World War
Meanwhile, off the coast of Japan did not stop the tremors. On the west coast Japan near the city of Akita in the night of Tuesday, April 19, an earthquake magnitude of 5.1. Another earthquake of magnitude 5.3 was recorded off the east coast of Honshu Island. A powerful earthquake of magnitude 6.0 occurred on Thursday the east coast of the largest Japanese island of Honshu. Remains tense situation around the nuclear power plant "Fukushima-1 '. Radiation levels in the 20-kilometer zone around the stricken Japanese plant 'Fukushima-1' is 100 microsieverts per hour, which exceeds the rate of about 500 times. At a distance of 3 km from the coast recorded a six-fold excess of isotope content of iodine-131.
The content of radioactive iodine in water inlet of the second reactor nuclear power plant markedly decreased and now exceeds the marginal rate of 6.5 thousand times. The experts of the Ministry of Economy and Industry pointed out that at present a potentially dangerous contamination of groundwater in a radius of several hundred meters from the plant there. And in the Pacific Ocean with nuclear emergency "Fukushima-1 'has got 520 tons of water containing radioactive elements. Radioactive elements in water, which began in April, at 4.7 thousand terabekkereley that 20 000 times the annual rate. Meanwhile, the Government of Japan has a supplementary budget for the current fiscal year, it provides for the allocation of 4.02 trillion yen (about $ 50 billion) to eliminate the impact occurred in March, earthquakes and accidents followed him. The government noted that the March 11 earthquake was the most unprofitable event for the Japanese economy since World War II. Gain insight and clarity with Michelin Star Restaurant. Recall, 11 March 130 km off the northeastern coast of Japan's Honshu island was devastating earthquake of magnitude 8.9 that caused a powerful tsunami.
The earthquake and tsunami were the most horrific in its disastrous consequences for the last 88 years. March 11 struck the north-east Japan, the tsunami has covered a total area of 561 sq. km, which corresponds to 90% of the 23 special districts that make up the core of Tokyo. As a result, elements in a number of Japanese nuclear power plants are having problems, the most serious – in 'Fukushima-1', where as a result of failure of the reactor cooling system, there were several fires and explosions, radiation leak formed in the atmosphere and water. Pollution, emissions, waste Scientists from the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology conducted a study and found that the degradable plastic was not so safe as it previously thought. As emphasized researchers, the addition of polyethylene transition metals (eg iron or cobalt) really gives it the ability to oxidize – and thus decompose under natural conditions. Under the influence of temperature, light, oxygen and other environmental factors degradable plastic is really 'disappears', these are only small fragments into which it falls, continue to impact on the environment. In the opinion of Swedish scientists agree and experts from the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. In its report, the British experts also note that the ability of some types of polyethylene and polypropylene decay does not take any benefits. They can not be added to the compost (organic fertilizer), as well as ordinary plastic recycle – can only be burned or buried at special sites. Thus, all those small substance into which the degradable plastic is extremely negative impact on the environment. Contaminated soil and groundwater. Scientists still have not figured out exactly how dangerous are those compounds that are decomposed 'green' degradable polyethylene.