Wood Life
Posted By on November 14, 2019
As my grandfather used to say, Freud: "A thought spoken is a lie, including and most the speaker. " We are not psychoanalysts, that would dig deeply hidden motives debtor, so it suffices to understand that this position or the game of life called "Debtor" vygodnadlya him. Motives human behavior in the game "Debtor" Eric Berne described by a metaphor: "When I write these lines on my desk crawling woodlouse. If it is to turn back, you can see the enormous efforts it is making to re- feet. During this time she has "the purpose of life." And when the wood louse is inverted, it seems, you can almost see the expression of triumph on her "face." Wood louse crawls, and you can imagine how she talks his story at the next meeting woodlice and looks at the young crustaceans down as having achieved its goal. But for her complacency mingled shade of disappointment. Now, when she reached the top, life seems devoid of purpose. Maybe woodlouse back, hoping to repeat his triumph, standing back in ink mark it to know when it will dare to try.
Bold crustacean this woodlouse. It is not surprising that many millions of lives years. Interpreting a metaphor we can say that the debtors themselves consciously and subconsciously drives himself into all large debts and it is not enough, the actions of creditors to repayment of a debt, does not take into account these hidden motives can only provoke more this game scenario for deployment.