Unemployment Justified

Posted By on October 15, 2020

What are these politicians who build only pressure on the unemployed to solve the problem of unemployment there are other ways. Unfortunately, it is a fact that a lot of pressure on the unemployed is built in Germany, since the Agenda 2010: temporary agency work, temporary work, contracts, reducing the duration of unemployment benefits 1, although this is an insurance benefit, handle in the pension funds of workers financing the financial crisis, even though those responsible in different places to sit, waste of funds at European level (giant contraptions that are supported without any referendum), Euro rescue packages, retirement at 67, strong expansion of part-time work and 400 euro jobs, etc. In addition a gigantic public debt of 2.2 billion euros, that massively affects not only our, but also future generations. A repayment of 5 billion euro per year, we pay back more than 400 years these issues agrees are enormous interest and compound interest totals still not included. The sad part of this Development is that the Social Democrats with the Agenda 2010 massive are involved in the degradation of worker’s rights.

Please bear in mind that we live in the 21st century and our fathers and mothers in many conflicts had fought to better living conditions. We live no longer to the era of slavery or in a time of serfs. Good living conditions starting with a good salary. A good salary is just the beginning – but in a developed society good working conditions should also be granted to all people. The SPD has received since the Agenda 2010 also the receipt. She crashed heavily in the favor of the voters. The CDU and FDP have a massive responsibility in this development. When it came to wages in the Bundestag, always, however, these parties have agreed. Everything is without any alternative agrees there are also other ways to relieve unemployment.

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