The Intestine
When it arrives at the intestine thin, the pncreas liberate sodium bicarbonate, to neutralize the acid way, and pancretica amylase. County Dollar General Store is actively involved in the matter. In this phase the carboidratos are degraded and the monossacardeos and dissacardeos (MOTOR BOAT JNIOR, 2002). The cells that coat the intestine thin (entercitos), known as ‘ ‘ edges in escova’ ‘ , they are responsible for the release of dissacaridases that they promote the degradation of the dissacardeos, finishing the digestrio process and liberating glucose, frutose and galactose for absoeo (GUYTON & HALL, 1998; MOTOR BOAT JNIOR, 2002). The monossacardeos are abservidos by passive diffusion or the system sodium-glucose (SGLT) and envoy to the liver for entero-heptica circulation (GUYTON & HALL, 1998). Metabolism of carboidratos the metabolism is characterized by the set of anablicas and catablicas reactions that occur in the biological systems.
In our organism, the glucose is source of main of energy for the cells of the central nervous system (SNC), hemceas, retina and renal marrow. The too much cells obtain to get energy of other sources as amino acids, acid greasy free, lactate, glicerol, cetnicos bodies, among others (GUYTON & HALL, 1998). In citosol the glucose enters in the glicoltica way, suffers to the called process glucose, where its structure is degraded and generates piruvato and ATP? trifosfato of adenosine (DMASO, 2001). When we have the participation of the oxygen in this process, the piruvato enters in the mitocndria and participates of the acid cycle of the citric one and the chain of electron transport. In this stage coenzima is generated acetil (acetil-coA) that, when reacting with oxaloacefato it forms citrate, that is first intermediary of the cycle of Krebs.