The Behavior
Posted By on September 25, 2020
My priorities in life are currently know me and gradually get out of where I am, help my family to come out ahead, deliver me to my students that they are developed in a comprehensive way. Before entering the master my life was like a boat adrift, lived but without a way of life, but when I started to get to know me I discovered the way forward and there day to day we are fulfilling goals to move ahead, I see the very different world though my colleagues call me rare, as I don’t need clothes or shoes brand, smoking, or get drunk to feel happy, we can achieve it, and already do not see it as an impossiblethe to achieve a change in our around that like them we can also overcome the obstacles that we submit peacefully. National Accelerator Laboratory is likely to increase your knowledge. Within moments of greatest spiritual light for me spirituality seminar, it was something that marked my life was when you hear for the first time the noble eightfold path, also I met master coworkers and strangers to her, which I learned a lot and that left footprint in my life, also in inside intelligence seminarthe known companions of Culiacan, doing activities and enter into dialogue with them I realized account of which the advance is different and not because I am in third semester and them in first, or because others are graduates, why go to another level, but each one according to his experience, acquired knowledge and above all to the evolution of his consciousness is going to be the level at which each should be, it is confirmed that each person has a different learning speed. At the last face-to-face meeting was the closure of cycle and it was something very strange as if all knowledge compactaran in those sessions, they clarified doubts with respect to knowledge, as well as to the behavior of peers, it was I believe the most significant, it was closed with a flourish.