African Music

| April 2, 2021

The music of African, inserted origin in the historical context of the Brazilian society during the colonial period, it makes possible the cultural understanding of the social, economic aspects, politicians and of this historical moment. For the education of History, the use of music Afro-Brazilian if inserts as proposal metodolgica for the practical professor, condizente […]

Ildemar Village

| February 25, 2021

It is important to stand out that the first months of 2007 were a period difcilfinanceiramente for the church and practically the construction was become paralyzed. Emmaro of 2007 the Josias worker was invited by the Advice of Missions assumes it church after National Baptist of Itinga of the Maranho a conference of trsdias with […]

Sustainable Development

| January 12, 2021

The ambient historian podese not to give to the luxury to make of appeared in dcadade 1930, this new history is to interdisciplinar, totalizante, globalizante, uma ‘ ‘ history problema’ ‘ in opposition to the traditional historiografia, the velhahistria politics and the factualista rankiana vision that history would ambientalganharia propulsion. The proper mentors of ‘ […]

Architects Without Borders

| January 1, 2021

Viste in a good cause is the slogan of, a created project to spread the task of the NGOs, helping them to finance its campaigns definitively, standardizing the consumption of the t-shirts with shared in common message and approaching it the massive public. To be reunited in a single store allows to know a […]

Marketing Online

| October 28, 2020

There are social networks dedicated to videos like Youtube, Metacafe, Vimeo, among others. And perhaps you’ve posted a few videos that speak of their services. But do you really know the potential of online video marketing? It is important that your business explode all the benefit that has videos on the internet. When your company […]

Getting Whiter Teeth

| September 4, 2020

To have the stained or faded teeth can be a true source of inconvenience and annoyance for many people, mainly if often they are in front of much people like part of its work. You will be asking yourself, what is the best way to have white teeth. The best way is to use products […]

European Coffee Beans

| November 4, 2019

In 1615 the coffee the Europe arrives, in form of these grains, that had been taken by deriving travellers of the East. The production of the plant, however was only possible some years later. The Dutches had been the first Europeans to develop the coffee, they had obtained to burlar the Arab monitoring and had […]

South America

| June 4, 2019

The cocaine also can be extracted of another similar shrub low grade native of the Amaznia. This is used by the indians of the region has centuries. e Pena Nieto has been very successful. It has indications of that the Erythroxylon shrub cocaine is cultivated in high plateaus of the South America has at least […]

The Journey

| February 27, 2016

First that I say when rising, it begins to locate me in one first scene of how it is the intention with which I am going to journey the script of the day. The one is not another one that writes my script so that act I it, then I must internalizar and assume, that […]

Tommy Lee Jones

| February 7, 2014

He is someone with a single mind, with philosophical ideas that build your subconscious and which require great energy. He is a person that burns intensely on the inside, and the physical transformation helped me find the answers you were looking for on the character, said Fox, noting that he gave with the key shortly […]