Deus Humanity

| February 1, 2021

This is not the wisdom that goes down there of the high one; before, she is terrena, animal and demonic. Therefore, where it has envy and faccioso feeling, there it has confusion and all species of bad things.). This is the consequence of the ones that they sow in the meat, they harvest for its […]


| February 1, 2021

I contained myself and I decided to cite the simplria opinion of its augurs, and I answered: Second E.W., depression is absence of Light. This person this spiritual distant of the presence of God. Satisfied it said: Also I think thus, and the subject was locked up, unhappyly, therefore this is the general situation of […]


| January 23, 2021

Perhaps, who knows, in reason d? It to have guided people to mark with blood the lintels of the doors of the houses, thus It would pass for on these houses and he would not wound the first-born of its people, but, so only of the Egyptians and its animals. With advancing of the years […]


| May 16, 2014

Of this ‘ ‘ principle of comportamento’ ‘ that the Church calls ‘ ‘ rule of ouro’ ‘ we go to leave to speak of the sin and the restitution of the stolen one. This because 11 is Liturgia of this Sunday of the Common Time of the year ‘ ‘ C’ ‘ that in […]


| November 21, 2013

It searchs and it has agreement of the truth, for its proper well and success. It does not insist more on the error. ' ' Then the Samuel said you: Until when you will have d of Saul, having it rejected I, so that he does not reign on Israel? He fulls an oil horn, […]