Status Quo
So it was one, if even only unconsciously divined or stood hesitant in awareness, it would be safe anymore as it was once before. And this fear of the unknown, the uncontrollable nurtured the Status Quo. Still the best and near most obvious solution for this theme of her life, which cried out for redemption in the truest sense of the word was a constant basic pain proportional to distribute on all levels for EBE il. I’m scared here in this world, I am afraid, where I go. I would like to no longer be simply cease to exist. I would just, that it stops”, she said to himself. I beg you, help me, free me, save me, get me out of here. The whole please do an end, no matter how, only to end it go”, she spoke again.
But now not more to themselves, but to their fictitious Savior, with which it already long, to be exact, since she could remember back, entertained. The supposed Savior, whom she begged, repeatedly asking for help and who, it seemed is probably the only one which could free them from their distress. But this just did not happen, so often she also asked, so long and so hard she also begged. He was silent and motionless in the dark, in recognition. And it was again in the sense that this was his intention and she, deserved this exactly in this way. I”, there was a dark idea what they had. I did something wrong, I’m wrong as I am.
And I do not, what’s asked of me, what is expected of me. I’m bad, I’m bad and deserved it, to be punished. Punish me”, said it again and again and finally liberate me from myself”. I guess in the hope to be purified by the punishment and thus redeemed.