Skinner Experiment

Posted By on May 3, 2020

' ' It can be learned to program consequences special for the behaviors that we desire to strengthen in our futures pacientes' ' (Moreira and Medeiros, 2007). The box of Skinner is an instrument that was created by B.F. Skinner, in 1932, that it contains a handspike that when pressed for a rat, under the conditions established for the producer of the experiment, the animal is rewarded with water or food (water, in the case of the experiment of this report). Later, the behavior of the rat is placed under the control of a variety of conditions of stimulatons and reinforcements, having been gradually shaped, with answers that were not part of its behavior before the experiment. The reinforcements, defined as consequences that generate increase in the frequency in the probability of the behavior to happen, varied between contingent, that is, applied immediately afterwards to the intended behavior, or differential, presented after some answers that obey to the certain criteria and not other similars the white behavior. estabelecedoras operations are conditions of privation and/or saciao that serve of aid in the experiments, allowing the conditioning or modeling of a behavior of faster form. In such a way, to facilitate the conditioning of the animal, estabelecedoras operations of water privation had been used, so that the headquarters provided to greater rapidity of reply, diminishing the time of latency (passed time between the stimulaton and the reply) of the same ones. The objective of this experiment was to visualize empirically, the theoretical basement of the trplice contingency, that is, of the relation between stimulaton, reply and consequence, affecting the behaviors, taking us to also establish it relations with the human behaviors. After to condition the behavior of pressure the bar for the water attainment, was carried through the operative extinguishing, that consisted of the suspension of the reinforcement, leading to the return of the behavior to the previous level, of the line of base (first step of the experiment, where it does not have reinforcement, only comment of the natural behavior), proving that the effect of the reinforcement are temporary.

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