Sacramento Union
In this paper, it first used the pseudonym "Mark Twain". And in 1864 he moved to San Francisco, California, where he began writing for several newspapers at once. In 1865, Twain to come first literary success, his humorous story "The famous frog of Calaveras galloping" was reprinted across the country and was named "the best work of humorous literature, created in America by this time." In the spring of 1866 Mark Twain was sent to the newspaper Sacramento Union on Hawaii. In the course of travels he had to write letters about his adventures. Upon returning to San Francisco these letters waiting for a resounding success.
Colonel John McComb, publisher of the newspaper Alta California, Twain offered to go on a tour of state, reading a fascinating lecture. Lectures immediately became wildly popular, and Mark Twain traveled the entire state, entertaining audiences and collecting a dollar from each student. The first book of his first success as a writer, Twain has achieved in other journey. In 1867, he persuaded Colonel McComb sponsor his trip to Europe and the Middle East. In June, as a correspondent for "Alta California" in the "New York Tribune," Twain went on the steamer "Quaker City" in Europe. In August, he also visited and Odessa, Yalta and Sevastopol.
Letters written by him on a journey through Europe, went and printed in the newspaper. And in return, these letters form the basis of the book "The Innocents Abroad." The book was published in 1869, distributed by subscription and was a huge success. Until the very end of his life many people knew exactly how Mark Twain's "Innocents Abroad." During his career as a writer Mark Twain adventure in the Europe, Asia, Africa and even Australia.