Phuket People
These people in Thailand are called ma-song, literally translated as "saddled horse>> they provide their bodies for use by the spirits of the Nine Emperor Gods for the good of the people, thus redeem the sins of society, bringing the ultimate sacrifice. Just a few days later temples of Phuket will be filled with people. Some are praying, and religious ecstasy becomes so strong that they fall into a trance. It was at this point in their body infuses the spirit of one of the Nine Emperor Gods. Ma Song fall into two types: those who feel approaching death and want to avoid it, and people chosen by the Gods for their high moral character. The beat of drums and cymbals supreme monk holds a ritual cooking Warriors of the Gods to monstrous ascetic feats. Follow-up actions are more like medieval torture, rather than religious rituals.
Elected pierced cheeks, lips, ears and tongues with sharp objects. Perfume of the Gods, inspiring body ma-Songo, protect against fleshly pain, blood and scars. Some sawing their tongues sharp axes, and others mistreat themselves sledgehammer blows with sharp spines, the third pierced his body fish hooks and needles, becoming like porcupines. Nute said that his brother was lucky. His Extreme body piercing is performed by two long spokes.
Sometimes small-song pierced his cheeks with swords, flower bouquets, beach umbrella, bicycle frames, steel pipes, table legs and chairs. I would not say that all the scars not noticeable. The girls are pretty smooth cheeks, a smile gives more profound than others, dimples.