Marco Antonio Zanini

Posted By on May 13, 2013

Electronic the fiscal document use is a way without voltano which the company needs to adjust itself with the intentions of modernization, rapidity of information, conformity with the rules of the government and easiness deregulamentao for competitiveness between the organizations. Osbenefcios of electronic the forma bill of sale emission, for example, incluemtransparncia in the commercial transactions, agility in the processes together aoFisco, reduction of the unfair competition and reduction of logistic costs. Almdisso, the standardization of the information will allow to the companies profits in the recepofsica and inspector of merchandises; validation and approval of all the cycle decompras until the reception of products; load of data directly in the systems degesto, with control of content and validation of the information. Este one year of maturity for the market and the proper suppliers electronic fiscal desolues. The companies who search the best tools deNF-e and Sped must be intent. To search suppliers with fcilimplementao solutions, prepared for the updates of fiscaleletrnica intelligence, established well and with guarantees of financial support I prolongate stated period are some of the tips. We live a moment, that to simplesmenteentregar the information in the molds of the treasury department, is not certainty to be free deerros and consequently, of the fines and apprehensions of merchandises. of quemcobrar some years later if its supplier not to exist more and to falhativer on account been of it? Issoprovoca a revolution in the way with that the Brazilian companies make seusnegcios. Beyond a fiscal change, this year will have to be one year deprofissionalizao of the company national. With this, we gain competitividadepara to alavancar our Country. How they come the changes that 2010 offer in them!

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