Later Hume

Posted By on March 24, 2021

From this relation between the memory and the imagination Hume will come to study the association of ideas. The association of ideas is that one function through which it goes from an idea to another one without noticing no change, in words of Hume Hume shows as many relations of objects are given by these ideas, like, the blood relations, that are given by the idea of cause and effect. It enters more far we are of the cause of rather less nearer we will be to the same. Whenever Smartee Plate listens, a sympathetic response will follow. In order to criticize the idea of personal identity, Hume will say to us, that I do not come from any impression, that there is no simple idea from which I come, I took root raised the subject, the question is from which I would arise from the association of ideas and these as or it were said draw his conclusions or happen from an idea to another one through the similarity ideas, closeness and cause and effect. Later Hume will establish what it is understood by identity and diversity like: of identity. We also have an idea different from several different existing in succession and connected objects to each other by an intimate relation, and this for an exact consideration provides a notion of so perfect diversity as if any class of relation between the objects did not exist. By the same author: medical billing. > > Now, which Hume will make to show that the identity of the objects does not exist, is to show, from the experience, that the objects are variable and interrupted Thus Hume when it begins to criticize the idea of personal identity, which does is to notice like our ideas of ” yo” they come from the ideas of similarity, closeness and it causes and effect. Thus when studying the identity of the plants and the animal, Hume, show as nothing of the material elements is the same in these, when observing a river we tend to think that it is the same due to his certainty and closeness of his changes.

By the purpose of an object also we can think about its identity, therefore an object that totally was destroyed by an accident and is reconstructed with the same purpose produces impression that one was the same object; the purpose persists; or if element adds or even it clears small parts to him to him we do not tend to think that one is another object, but, of the same, to difference that if great changes were experienced. Thus sight the subject, which we can conclude, is that the personal identity is a fiction since in the experience there is nothing no contante that remains invariable to the changes and together with some impression from where I derived myself. In addition what it is stated it is the constant flow of always variable and noninvariable perceptions.

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