Infantile Education

Posted By on February 2, 2015

SUBJECT: INFANTILE EDUCATION. HEADING: HISTORY STORIES: STIMULATING THE IMAGINATION AND CONTRIBUTING FOR THE LEARNING IN THE INFANTILE EDUCATION. INTRODUCTION: Infantile literature is a resource importantssimo for the development of the children, because it develops the imagination mainly, the creativity, the orality, being able to be worked at any time of the universe of the child. The first one contact of the child with a text, is made verbally for father, mother or grandmothers, who they count infantile, Biblical stretches and histories even though invented histories (ABRAMOVICH). Later if she concentrates in the school. Without having lesson aspect, if she teaches ethics, culture, affection. To read histories for children is to be able to smile, finding favour with situations lived for the personages. It is through them that another place, other times, other skills of being can be discovered and acting, it is to imagine the unimaginable one.

To count a history, whichever, is needed to know as if to make. Several exist resources as: puppets, apron of histories, carpets, dramatizao, a simple leaf of paper etc. Thus if they discover new words, if enter in contact with noises, names. Exactly being in a digital world, the children continue loving hearing histories. Comparing good, bad, beautiful, ugly personages, the children understand basic values of the behavior human being. Some subjects can to be treated of form playful being thus, to learn educating if they become amused and pleasant.

stories they are loaded of symbologies, that they allow one direct access to unconscious, elaborating questions that distress, creating values moral, fortifying heroes (that they are the desires) destroying villains (that they are the fears). He is to leave of he makes – of – counts that we go leading the child in the learning of the life. (MAGAZINE PROFESSOR SASS). To count histories is present in the majority of the schools, but many educators are not prepared or they do not give due importance to this activity.

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