Hurricane Katrina
For him – this is the beginning of a new era, new space effects and unpredictable events. We have entered a new era of Aquarius, accompanied by the "newly acquired" Uranus, along with the disastrous earthquake which provoked Proserpine, a devastating tsunami, which brought Neptune, and the release of atomic energy, which is governed by Pluto. All the "many" of the planet have contributed to the March events, as if summing up a line under the old and marked the beginning of a completely new era. However, not only long, but all the other planets have been involved in the situation. For example, Black Moon is in the vicinity of Uranus was in conjunction with them, indicating that the absolute risk posed of the explosive and unpredictable Uranus. Saturn in retrograde phase in Libra pointed to an imbalance and the usual quiet way of life. People such as Celica would likely agree.
Pluto did squaring Jupiter and Mercury, which is usually bringing bad News and adverse events. The moon was also in a special position in early March. She slowly approached the Earth, gaining more power. March 19, this full moon was at the point of closest approach to Earth for past 20 years – an unusual situation, obviously talking about the strong influence of the light. Astrologers call this moon – SuperLunoy because its impact is doubled. Under the influence of such a moon would inevitably occur natural disasters, especially such as tsunamis and hurricanes. In particular, and Hurricane Katrina in America occurred just at the period of such SuperLuny.