Guarani Language Tribute
25 OF AUGUST OF 2009: DAY OF LANGUAGE GUARANI TRIBUTE TO RAMON WHISTLES AND KAY UHPE Guarani e" altar jehecharamvo Mbo" ehra Ramon Whistles oipepirkuri ATHENIAN OF LANGUAGE AND GUARANIme CULTURE o hagua hendive Kay" uhpe. Jaikuaahicha ko tembiapo osjepi altar is altar ane ret is ambue tet rupi, omyasivo ane Avae" is ane ret mba" and teete. The ATHENIAN OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE GUARANI participated in the Kay" Program; uhpe, of Ramon Whistles. This program is emitted, in Guarani Language, by Channel 9 – SNT, of Monday through Friday, of 04:40 to 05:30 hours. In the occasion Ramon It whistles talked with David Galeano Olivera, Chief of a main directorate of the ATHENIAN, about diverse questions related to the Guarani. The occasion also served to remember the Day of the Guarani Language being clarified that – in reality Ramon It whistles every day celebrates the Day of the Guarani Language of the year, since his Kay" program; uhpe is emitted daily.
Kay" uhpe takes more than 15 years of uninterrupted emission by the Channel 9 SNT and count as much on a millionaire hearing in Paraguay as in the outside. The ATHENIAN OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE GUARANI recognizes and congratulates the untiring, tenacious and successful work of the Prof.Mg. Ramon Whistles in favor of the diffusion of the Language and Guarani Culture, and of the Paraguayan Popular Culture. In more than 15 years of presence in the air the Kay" program; uhpe became a bastion of the Guarani and the Paraguayan Folklore. Numerous popular artists (musical, dancing, poets, craftsmen, etc) always found in Kay" uhpe the worthiest space for its promotion. It is possible to emphasize that it accompanies and it shares the effort of Ramon, his brother: Miguel Fernandez, dynamic and efficient producer of Kay" uhpe.
In this MONTH OF LANGUAGE GUARANI the ATHENIAN OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE GUARANI pays his tribute to Ramon Whistles taking into account his valuable work in favor of the Guarani Language. Heta vy" apav ndve Mbo" ehra Ramon Whistles ne rembiapo poritre is anke nekane" Guarani emyasime. Altar is altar, Kay" uhpe rupive, ane Avae" oakrapu" is oho heseve tenonde. Maitei horyvva opavavpe David Galeano Olivera (ATHENIAN Motenondehra) Original author and source of the article.