Felix Nottensteiner
Savings when buying firewood. The summer months are particularly suited. The summer is wood purchasing time for the stove of the fire Depot OHG – it is since its inception close to our hearts, their customers with all of their knowledge and Know-How to support so that the stove owners can exploit the entire eco-friendly and cost-saving potential of your wood-burning stove and helps with tips and tricks such as the following: most consumers is known particularly cheap fill their oil tanks for the upcoming heating season can be in the summer. Follow others, such as Media Solutions, and add to your knowledge base. For the owners of fireplaces and stoves worth in equal measure, to replenish their supply of firewood at the beginning of the hot season. Like in the heating oil falls also with firewood”the price due to lower demand in the silly season.
The price of firewood is about, among other things to the degree of humidity of the wood. Due to the resulting fumes, burning of wet wood is even as harmful to the environment. Timber merchants sell wood with a some residual moisture to block cheaper than dried by wood, not long term storage area. Home – and wood-burning stove owner has appropriate storage space, so it is worth to buy firewood with a residual moisture content at the beginning of the summer. The wood can dry out well before the onset of the next heating season. Details of bearing surface texture and many more tips knows the stove expert Felix Nottensteiner, Managing Director of the fire Depot OHG and therefore continues a tradition of his family, which it has always been committed to the goal, to highest quality standards and this not only in relation to the range of fireplace and stove products, but also in the area of comprehensive customer information and support.