Course Technician

Posted By on October 26, 2021

Thus, as al Would make et (2005), to listen to the adults reading in high voice and to see to write them; to try to write (without necessarily copying a model); to try to read using given contextual, as well as recognizing similarities and differences in the series of letters; to play with the language to discover sonorous similarities and differences. It must have things to read in a daily pay-school room. A reading act is a magical act. Somebody can laugh and cry while it reads in silence. In this manner, when the child assumes the role of history accountant, it must fulfill certain procedures: to explicitar the reasons take that it to choose history, to know some data on the life and the workmanship of the author, to comment with its colleagues the episodes or personages that it are attractive, or not.

The challenge of a successful work in relation to the reading in the school, according to Marangon (2010), is in the fact of that the pertaining to school library can and must be a great allied in this task, exactly that sees many it as a simple book deposit. Many times remaining with ece of fishes locked with the justification to preserve publications in it contained. The author displays then: Ledo deceit! Pertaining to school library, second Course Technician of Formation for the employees of the Education, the Ministry of Educao (MEC), ' it is organized to combine itself with the classroom and development of the pertaining to school resume. It functions as a center of educative resources, integrated to the education process learning, having as objective primordial to develop and to foment the reading and the information. Necessidades&#039 will be able to also serve as support for the community in its; (MARANGON, 2010, p.44) Therefore, one understands that the pertaining to school library becomes basic to support the pedagogical activities and to extend the contents offered in classroom, beyond contributing to stimulate the habit and the taste for the reading; representing in the infantile education, a way to awake, since early, the interest for the environment that it can offer.

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