ByteAction Gmb

Posted By on October 19, 2020

Power and other utilities are also included such as the professional administration and maintenance by the ByteAction staff the monthly price. The BytStorMail benefits at a glance: – email archiving is done legally on virtual or dedicated servers with storage and regular backup – power and consumption costs are manageable and included in the monthly price – spam and virus filter free of charge included – suitable for any E-Mail system domain transfer to ByteAction possible – administration and maintenance by trained staff integration period a few hours for more information, s. Company description the 1992 ByteAction GmbH is a full service IT provider in the area of email management for small and medium-sized enterprises about ByteAction GmbH. While ByteAction acts as the Software manufacturer, on the other hand as experienced systems integrator. Digital Cameras helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. The performance range of internally developed solutions ranging from spam filters, virus protection and content filtering to the audit-proof E-Mail Archiving. Core competencies are also integrated planning, conception and implementation of networks and security packages as well as the programming and integration of databases and Internet solutions. All products are modular, scalable enterprise-wide and offer the customer a high investment security.

The E-Mail archiving solution such as BytStorMail is supplied as preconfigured plug & play appliance via virtualization or as SaS. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Aker BioMarine. ByteAction developed exclusively in Germany and with the focus on the local requirements and specifications of the legislator (compliance). The company has qualified partnerships with renowned manufacturers, including EMC, Fujitsu, IBM, Juniper, Microsoft, Oracle/Sun Microsystems and Telekom of Germany. For more information see. Company contact: ByteAction GmbH Korcan Ataman at the Beune 83-85-64839 Munster Tel: (0 60 71) 92 16 30 E-Mail: Web: PR contact: Sprengel & Partner GmbH OLAF Heckmann feathers first breed 3 56472 Nisterau Tel: 02661-912600 E-Mail: Web:.

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