Projects School

Posted By on April 28, 2021

Schmidt and the Garci’as detach that the group of researchers of this line of called research School, Culture and Education, searchs ' ' therefore, he is to find forms of aproxi- In this text, volume the freedom to write in 1 person of the singular to speak of my professional trajectory and to elucidate the origin of this research. TCC of the course of Pedagogia: EA in the initial series of the EF. Utopia or possibility? (2005). Monograph for the After-graduation course: Pedagogo implanting the EA in enterprise environment (2007). Projects School & University: In the track of the mathematics. Of the reasoning to ME (2009). Water that I want Water to you (2010). mao with the processes of escolarizao to study definitive dimensions of experience pertaining to school, of one point of view that, inclua action of the citizens that compose the universe of the school.

E, in this direction, each developed research has been a chance to rediscuss the educational research and its fundamentos' '. In such a way, the EA must be organized of form to interdisciplinar, presented to the pupils with clarity and condizentes methodologies to its daily one. According to Horn, ' ' learned knowing results, mainly, of one previous election of contents considered significant for the citizen of aprendizagem' '. I agree to Lopes, when it says that, the school must sociabilizar the scientific knowledge of form that if can dialogue knowing with them popular. ' ' That is, the production of knowledge in the school cannot have the illusion to construct a new science, when deturpar official science, and consisting in obstacle to the development and understanding of the scientific knowledge, from the enaltecimento of the common sense. In contrast, it must contribute for the questioning of the common sense, in the direction of not only modifying it in part, as to limit it its field of atuao' '.

To apply the EA in the initial series of the EF will go to require of all we, a real comprometimento, longing for to instigate significant actions that despertem the attention of the current educative politics, so that they stimulate practical and methodologies come back to this education, after all, already we delay excessively this to walk in search of real forms of sustainable development, arrives in such a way of saying itself and little to become in relation to the ambient problems. It is not one only one problem for alone ambientalistas if to engage and to decide everything, the problem are ours; it is enough, ' ' Tomorrow it is Agora' '. 5. REFERENCES FORQUIN, Jean-Claude. School and Culture: the social and epistemolgicas bases of the pertaining to school knowledge. Trad. Guacira Blond Lopes. Porto Alegre, RS: Medical arts, 1993. LOPES, Alice R.C. Pertaining to school knowledge: daily science and. Rio De Janeiro: EdUERJ, 1999, P. 33 the 101. ROCKWELL, Elsie. Of huellas, bramble-toppeds wall y trails: it joins daily history of laescuela. In ROCKWELL, Elsie (cord) escuela There daily. 2a.reimpr. Mexico, Bottom of Econmica Culture, 1997. SCHMIDT, M.A. ; GARCI’A, T.M.B. ; HORN, G. (org). Dialogues and perspectives inquiry. Get all the facts and insights with CAGR, another great source of information. Iju: UNIJU, 2008. (collection Culture, School and Education; volume 1).

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