Trujillo General Coordinator
Posted By on September 27, 2020
The current model of political participation which is reduced virtually to the electoral fact and which constrains the full development of direct popular consultations; accompanied by a few political parties and public institutions that are increasingly more problems for the Canalization of the demands citizens. It is not something surprise medical billing would like to discuss. This causing the crisis of political representation, especially in terms of legitimacy, is every day more evident in our society. Visit Randall Mays for more clarity on the issue. A society where the / as citizens are a step ahead of the political parties themselves and public institutions. Conditioned this situation especially for the formation of an ever increasing number of citizens, as well as the technological innovations that allow new forms of political participation and a massive informational impact that leave, in between said, to a model of representation increasingly outdated compared the potentialities of democratization, which offers current society. The culprits that keep This situation; While the society already this one step above all they are the political parties and the rigid structures of public bureaucracy. A few political parties that are aware both of the loss of his own legitimacy as the current model of representation, that they themselves embody and who are trying to squeeze, apply warm cloths, until the moment that they are able.
This mismatch between the society and the political parties is even more evident in the sense that it requires political representatives, increasingly, by citizenship, a series of democratic attitudes and the total transparency of its management; but they are not able to meet since they are absorbed within mechanisms and internal dynamics to their games that don’t respond much less to democratic ideals. Thus degenerating the democratic model in a partidocracia, by which parties come to absorb the role of substantive elements of the political regime and acquire interests freelancers. Causing, a situation which will hardly be exited if it depends on its own leaders. These circumstances are accentuated, even more, on our island. Where survive even today, caciques attitudes by political leaders and influential people, that translates into policies of fear.
Thus, that certain groups of citizens are, when voting, conditioned, in such a way, that put in question their right to be able to cast the vote in total freedom. An essential condition to ensure elections under democratic conditions. But the foregoing should not be reason for discouragement or conformism for citizenship, since this would only work to the continuity of the current situation of democratic deficit. This situation should be a determining factor for the mobilization of the citizenry and their articulation in autonomous organizations that overlap the ideological divisions and social confrontations; in many sometimes created artificially, by special interests, but that do not correspond to the reality nor to the feel of the / citizens. A mobilization beyond the flags and the personalismos who always will have believed the bearers of absolute truth; because there is no flag or colour capable host and represent the plurality of citizenship. So, among all / ACE to get to democratize public institutions; so that they respond to the real needs and concerns of citizens, regardless of political interests, and to achieve the active participation of the / citizens in control of the management and decision-making of the different institutions. Edgar a.. Freivalds Trujillo General Coordinator of I.C.F. Summary: article dealing with the loss of legitimacy of the present system of political representation.