Second Life

Posted By on August 18, 2020

An experience with the medias that valley to detach here, was acquired in recent lesson in the virtual environment Second Life (6 SL) , poisatravs of this experinciapercebemos the great potential for creation of virtual libraries and schools there, for accomplishment of lectures, research, courses, etc. If the current generation of pupils which we coexist if uses of this half for its diversion and leisure, consequentemente this in them compels while educators to search these same environments that favor the learning, or for which the pupil already is motivated. In the program in question (SL), each participant chooses to avatar 7 she will represent that it in its incursions for the program. Some islands exist for which avatar can teleportar 8 to participate of courses, lectures, to play, or same, to make purchases. It is the representation of a virtual world where the acquired knowledge or objects are carried to the real world, presenting itself as excellent half of learning and a leisure.

Another point that also comes being sufficiently argued in the half academics is the question of the exclusion and digital inclusion. We believe that the digital exclusion nothing more is of what one faceta of the social exclusion. Digital inclusion and social inclusion, to be consolidated of lasting and qualitative form, are sistmica and closely on to the education, the culture and the capacity to discover necessary information and knowledge to the survival of each one and its insertion in the capitalist society. Without culture and information, the inclusion loses the direction and the social function to constitute pensantes groups, either in the virtual one, either in the Real. From there the responsibility of all we educators in assuming the commitment of preparing in technologically to give them to our pupils conditions of if the technologies of Intelligence the future of the thought in the age of computer science.

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