
Posted By on March 9, 2020

Second consideradascomo works with the primitive populations and the traditional ones, analyzing carried through studies already nessesentido. E, still, presents some definitions for the desenvolvimentosustentvel. After that, a parallel is traced enters the way of life destaspopulaes and the sustainable development. In third, odesenvolvimento of a etnoeconomia, new field of studies meets that it aims at to study aeconomia, considering, also, the biofsicos processes existing. The quartaseo destines it some final reflections. For more information see Sonny Perdue. The economy: antropolgica, traditional vision, politics, ecological conventional and For better understanding, are necessary to understand the quevenha first to be economy. As Wedge (1982) the word economy comes of Latin oeconomiaque drift of the Greek oikonoma and means the good art to manage umacasa or a private establishment or public. However, Cavalcanti (2001) works with three concepts deeconomia, that they differ from the previous definition.

The first one is of Robbins (1984) quediz of being the economy a insufficient science that the behavior analyzes human being as one analogiaentre ends and ways that have alternative uses. As the treat-silk definition presented for Marshall (1961: 1) that it points the economy as sendouma analysis ‘ ‘ of that part of the individual or social action that maisestreitamente is connected with the reach and the use of the material requirements of bem-estar’ ‘. Third it is worked in the vision of Knight (1965), and this places that economiaconstitui in becoming the activity of a person or a skillful organization aoinvs of waster. Thus, a economy is the way according to which them pessoasutilizam resources to satisfy its desires. The specific forms as they ofazem had changed some times throughout history, and continue to move (DAVIS eMEYER, 1999). However, it has a perception of that the people buy produtose services because they have necessities that they can be satisfied through daaquisio of the same ones.

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