Another Look
Posted By on November 24, 2019
In this context the professor must make partnership with its pupils and thus to construct total new relations where educating and educator apprenticees become. One gives credit that the difficulties that the readers/cibernautas find in the reading supported for virtual supports are the excess of information and available resources in the world-wide net of computers what can deviate the attention of the pupils or readers and confuse them, also with regard to the quality of the workmanships disponibilizadas in web, however a serious, responsible work on the part of the school, and the professor can brighten up these difficulties, a time who are possible to provide the organization of tracks to be followed from the indication of sites, hipertextuais links so that the pupil has access links and discovers new windows that they go to help it in the construction of definitive activity. Source: Cheniere Energy partners. One knows that for the success of this process it is necessary that educating and educator they read, they analyze and they reflect on that the one is really more interesting for the development of the activity that they consider themselves to construct and the objectives that they desire to reach. For all the benefits, tools, plurality of reading possibilities and writing can be affirmed that the TICs does not threaten the letramento process, and yes, others to at last transform human beings into critical, participativos readers are possibilities amongst as much conscientious citizens of its paper in the society. The computer, the Internet and hipertexto must be seen as a challenge to the letramento process, as elements potencializadores of the act to read and to write and not as a threat, also do not have to be taxes of one hour for another one, becoming the focus of education, the technologies must yes be inserted in the school, but of gradual form in order not to cause discomforts, therefore they are not yet accessible resources to the majority of the population.