Helen Friedman

Posted By on September 2, 2015

Yeah, right. But someone from that well? In the best case, two foreign person living in one house, connected only by external commitments. At worst – divorce and children growing up in single-parent family and adopt from us our upside-down, distorted relationship to each other. Do you provide a different form of relationship when he and she perceived each other as a whole, when people located next to me is part of yourself, it is inseparable from you. Such a relationship does not become ordinary over the years, it is constantly updated, and the partners begin to disclose it besskonechnuyu love, goodness, they discover the inner world of each other. Sounds nice, but it is achievable? – But we have not even tried to change their attitude towards each other, and if they tried, for some reason not worked. I made this conversation think about and that’s what. This man said, seemingly ordinary words. Why, in our lives today, they seem so surprising and puzzling kind of cause? After all, in fact, that would seem to be natural, than to build relationships, open your heart to another, letting him without fear, and fear into their inner world rather than isolate themselves from him, hiding behind pretty words and staying in his small, squalid little world not allowing anyone there, because it’s true: today who can you trust? But perhaps that is what our consumerist attitude to each other, the inability to open up and makes us unhappy? And although people have sought to understand each other – for some reason did not work? Perhaps because of the relationship between man and woman must be a link, a third item? Some general, enduring goal in life? What is the purpose? Perhaps it is about this and wants to tell us of Kabbalah? Perhaps the phrase, heard me once in Kabbalah – not just fine words, but behind them there is a deep, inner meaning, which reveals to us the basics of building happy relationships: ‘The man – a source of love, loving, giving, the woman – going out to meet him.

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