Independent Communities

Posted By on July 10, 2015

And on the other, to maintain and to consolidate the introduced technical improvements in previous calls, in particular the different modalities from justification and the use of the technologies of the information and the communication in the presentation of the request and the notification of the diverse acts and proceedings of the procedure. Also the cross-sectional criteria have been reinforced, like the equality of sort or the accessibility of the people with incapacity to the cultural activities. Order CUL/2912/2010, of 10 of November (Government reporter of the State number 275, of 13 of November), establishes the regulating bases for the concession of public subsidys in regime of competitive concurrence of the Ministry of Culture and his organisms public. By virtue of the same, the Chief of a main directorate of the INAEM is the competent organ to realise the public calls of aid corresponding to the activities of promotion of the organism. The present call of aid is carried out under protection of article 149,2 of the Spanish Constitution, notwithstanding the competitions assumed by the different Independent Communities and Cities with Statute of Autonomy in the matter of culture. The centralized management of these subsidys is based, like has come establishing one consolidated jurisprudence from the Constitutional Court, in the responsibility that the State assumes to preserve the cultural patrimony common and in the necessity to guarantee equals possibilities of access, obtaining and enjoys on the part of the potential adressees regardless of its geographic origin, as well as in the direction of the aid towards artistic activities of state scope or international projection, as it comes off the definition and requirements of the different modalities. Indeed, considering the character of the measures that are contemplated, it is essential to establish a state system of aid that compensates the unequal implantation in the territory of the agents of the sector, without it prevents the establishment of different measures from promotion on the part of the Independent Communities within its competition. In any case, the constitutional characterization of the culture as concurrent competition between the State and the Independent Communities makes one close collaboration between the different territorial beings necessary.

The activities of the Sectorial Conference of Culture and the meetings of the Plenary session of the State Council of the Scenic Arts and Music contribute to build a stable frame of collaboration. The conclusions and recommendations fruit of these encounter have considered at the time of designing the present call of aid, staying in addition the level to participation of the Independent Communities in the valuation procedure and concession of the aid. In this same sense, and according to the Instructions of General secretariat Tcnica of the Ministry of Culture, the resolution has been put under report of the Independent Communities and the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Administration to guarantee its adjustment to the effective competential distribution in the matter of culture. Finally, the present regime of aid has been authorized by the European Commission by means of Decision of 4 of April of 2011, in the application of article 107,3 d) of the Treaty of Operation of the European Union and its norm of development. By virtue of all the previous one, this Main directorate has solved: First. Purpose, object and scope of application. In order to visualize the Resolution in its totality, visits the indicated Web the foot of the article in its section State . Original author and source of the article

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