The Site
What we did not recommend to him is to take a great amount from email and to begin to send electronic mails to everybody that is what Spams is called nonauthorized mail scrap iron and by the person receives who it, in addition you could you be put in you burden problems to be sending this type of mail, asegrese that when a person subscribes to her list, this person has subscribed through some course, video or some demo of some software or some digital product free, that you this offering; and it has left his links so that when to this it sees it person and it feels interested subscribes to the same, of equal way when she herself does not want to continue receiving her information erases of the list of automatic form. If you want to secure to a great amount of visitors to his page Webs she will have to try to include much information of quality and at the same time as this information can solve the problems of its possible clients, this is a rule of what you cannot break, because of not making it therefore the people who visit their page they would happen to the site of its competition of not finding the information that they are looking for, so I insist to only provide valuable information to him that you consider that you can help its prospectuses to leave some jam or some problem that they have. If you also want to be recognized and his page Webs she must have a good traffic towards its Web site, and this only obtains if you do not break the rule 90/10 which speech that you must only pass a 90% in generating quality information his clients and to look for the form to generate organic traffic to his Web site, the other 10% rest in technical questions, dedicates all their attention in specializing in realising bills of sale of quality and everything what has to do with its Web site exists people which they have hundreds of Web sites and they work much, but also makes much money. And it is of the best rewards than you can receive. In this it was where we were is essential that all the industralists emigrate towards the Internet, and if you seriously thinking to realise businesses by the Internet must be thinking about studying much and mainly to put in the wave of the Internet and not to leave it does not reach flojera it either and that controls this it, will have to study much and to realise investigations as far as marketing and sales to be up-to-date with the new technologies and the tools that Internet offers so that it can help his clients and they can recommend these it, that also this is a good form to generate traffic viral.