The Act

| June 29, 2020

However and how much to the concretude the abstraction, as this if would conjugate with what we have until here? We could suggest that in the act of if discovering the two possibilities would be implicit, therefore, the concretude would be space as the possibility of the convergence whereas positional factor of reference and how […]

Penumbra Eyes

| June 27, 2020

Everything that it desired in that last sigh, was the same appearance that soon of any one that had been part of its history. Only that nobody appeared it. The vision became gloomy, now dies in fact. The penumbra takes account of its being, dived in way to a taciturnamente dark universe, the memories still […]

Divine Reality

| June 26, 2020

We are saying in the truth of the Alter Swaying Ego. This farcical personage! Its colorful clothes are weaveeed with wires of the selectivity, under the regimen of the law of Gerson and dress its soul-instrument. The bred soul that was for the Deity in flagrant necessity, serves of platform of landing for the Spirit, […]

Fields Rock More

| June 26, 2020

Before, we are living a time characterized for the fear, the lovelessness, the egoism and the violence. The poetry disappeared musical not if almost express sensitivity more. Perhaps I am pessimistic excessively. With sixty years, our judgments are loaded of experiences, frustration, dreams not reached, of unfinished projects, already we saw of everything, we try […]

There Planche

| June 26, 2020

Basic characteristics of the projective techniques the definition proposal per Planche-Pontalis in 1974. This launches more light, on the characteristics of the projectivas techniques, therefore, the citizen perceives the way environment and answers the same in function of its proper interests, lasting attitudes, habits, afectivos states, hopes and desires. It hisses, 1989, it says that […]

The Babies

| June 24, 2020

The function of the attachment, of the point of view of the baby, is to guarantee psychological security, as Newcombe teaches (1999). The signals of the existence of attachment between a baby and the person who takes care of of it are evidentes in three phenomena. First, the attachment figure is capable of what any […]

Reality Negation

| June 21, 2020

From then on, we find some points where we can find the theory of Freud on defense mechanisms. The here described defenses they are forms that psique has of if protecting of the internal and external tension. The defenses prevent the reality (repression), exclude the reality (negation, redefine the reality (rationalization) or invert it (reactive […]

Individual Motivations

| June 20, 2020

Imperialism and its allies are structural. the oligarchy, the big banks, the mass media related to power Overall, employers and devoid of autonomous projects with roots in the homeland and the most reactionary sectors of the Catholic Church. Music downloads: the source for more info. Indeed, either operations with maneuvers, pushing neo-liberal continental meetings or […]


| June 20, 2020

I think that a fairly high level of competition, one of the reasons zamentno high prices in burzhenete. Speaking candidly Peet’s Coffee told us the story. The next version – at some point Google found my blog is not good enough, to Hide it good fatty ads. Read more here: music downloads. Those who are […]

Modular Building

| June 18, 2020

Advantages of modular buildings and builders, and customers have long appreciated. Now it is one of the most popular construction projects. Mainly bribes to quickly mount their portability and relatively low prices. Modular buildings (and also referred to as building cabins, prefabricated buildings, block-containers) are composed of block-modules – construction of metal frame and frame […]