Native Resolution

| May 30, 2016

Fantastic! With a matrix of 720 rows, the projector should display the default and the 720th, and 1,080 e-formats with equal clarity – but does not show! Full HD picture is frankly better than HD Ready. However, PAL-ovsky signal is transmitted with the clarity that is close to HD, that should please collectors of simple […]


| May 30, 2016

Renovation. If your house is made of the present high-quality repairs, while living in it becomes more joyful and intense. Because only in such circumstances a person can feel comfortable, because the home you want relax and enjoy a rest from all the surrounding noise. Working on the same spot, on the contrary it should […]

Adobe Photoshop

| May 25, 2016

In the transition to this stage, it is assumed that you have already developed a logo next project, because as I said the color of your choice will be key in our design. All must have noticed on the websites of the same or any other are fully online, funny combination of colors, nothing […]


| May 20, 2016

Great mood – is to ensure success in every way. In a situation where we personally feel that the reality is beautiful, we all will work out, without exception, efficient, and professional activities, and education. In separately this is specific to children. In a situation when a young child is boring, he does not see […]

HR-future Trends 2013

| May 19, 2016

Problem child talent management of demographic change and shortage of demographic change and shortage, discussions about a women’s quota in Europe or employees 50 + are current topics in HR departments in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. At the heart of all strategic and operational decisions of the HR, but is the question of how […]