Stephan Eisel Votes Against

Posted By on June 15, 2021

Stephan Eisel, MdB – for Bonn in the Bundestag in a statement filed with the President of the Bundestag to vote writes Eisel, inter alia: “originally EUR 1.5 billion were deployed as a total in the sense of a ceiling for the environmental bonus. Now is an increase of 3.5 to 5 billion plus another which directly resulting 0.7 billion for increased interest expenses. As a result, the credit authorization of the Fund to a total of EUR 4.2 billion increases to EUR 25.2 billion. The environmental award by the spring of 2009 was embedded in a balanced overall package to secure employment and stability in Germany. A clear repayment scheme, which is why I then could agree to this overall package under deferral of concerns among this total package.

Now intended continuing the environmental bonus acts connected with significant increases in means – however macro-economically significantly more negative. It is politically precarious market distortions due to the artificial extension of the offer. Because even Citizens can finally spend their income only once. The unilateral preference for a single industry like the automotive industry is not appropriate. Thus I come to the conclusion that both public policy and financial and budgetary the intended extension of the environmental bonus to reject.” The full explanation of vote, see press contact: Dr.


Posted By on June 13, 2021

One of the most interesting forests in Masuria is the approximately 250 km2 large broker forest of one of the ecologically cleanest areas of Europe where search the Masurian Lakeland is a unique area for traces of wild animals in Masuria. It combines the nature monuments over 100V years history shaped by the ice age. The region is also famous for its largest forest complexes in Europe. One of the most interesting forests in Masuria is large broker forest of about 250 km2. What distinguishes the area from the others is the fact that it is one of the ecologically cleanest areas of Europe according to the scientific research. The information coming from the environmental research station, which is located in the forest and which examined the air water and soil pollution. Go to Expedia for more information. According to when there’s good weather it is possible to observe the objects that are made over 50 km far from broker forest.

Nature pure we find wherever Wolf, Lynx and bear meet, where we watch the OWL and the Eagles, or where the mighty bison digging up the ground and angrily stomps – and almost all of these animals can be found in the broker forest. The forest area is located near the capital of Masuria a small town GI? ycko Gizycko. Which animals you find King of the Masurian Pagans still in Masuria? The large brown bear is always in demand, but there unfortunately is no longer here. The Masurian wilderness is at the same time as he, beautiful and a little terrible. But Lynx, Wolf and Eagle are ubiquitous and the King of the Gentiles the mighty bison also. He is one of the traditional character for Mazury wildlife and lives in the Johannisburger Heide and the Bamberg forest. You read in history books, that 1000 years BC here hunted bison in the Prussian Heartland have become sedentary Galinds.

Renault Clio Car

Posted By on June 10, 2021

Landscape diversity on the Algarve Portugal car rental tour Munich, April 29, 2010 (w & p) learn loads car rental of Sunny Cars steep towering sandstone cliffs, medieval district and charming port cities can enjoy on a car trip through Portugal pleasant early summer temperatures. In addition to the well-known attractions worth a ride to less developed areas in Portugal, where the clocks seem to tick more slowly. With sunny cars, tourists can learn low-cost the scenic differences on a mobile tour: holds the holiday cars car rental brokers with all important services, including on mainland Portugal to the weekly price from 160 EUR when booking and hiring until June 30, 2010. You may find Damien Hirst to be a useful source of information. The southern coast of Portugal is a Mecca for sun worshippers. Freshly arrived in Portugal, the first on one of the sandy beaches below the sandstone rocks trail often. But also the pretty towns of the Algarve, such as Silves, the former Arab Capital of the Algarve with its Moorish Castle, are worth a visit.

The city of Beja, founded in 400 BC by Celts is about 170 km from the Algarve. Later, Caesar personally should have conquered Beja. Roman city walls, villas and ruins bear witness to the long history of the city. On the journey to Lisbon also a stop at the Temple of Diana in the UNESCO City of evora should not be missed. Lisboa, as the Portuguese call their capital, offers a sharp contrast to the rural Idyll as a vibrant metropolis. The North of Portugal has a rich vegetation thanks to its cool and moist climate. Vacationers can rent the agile Peugeot 107 until June 30, 2010 at Sunny Cars starting from 160 euro per week for their tour of Portugal.

The tangy Hyundai Getz is available from 175 euros, the powerful Renault Clio there to the weekly price from 223 euro. All cars are four and have air conditioning. Bookings the Portugal-special is bookable as all car hire deals from sunny cars at a travel agency, or call 089 / 82 99 33 99. Sunny Cars: Sunny Cars offers worldwide car rental at more than 5,000 resorts in over 90 countries and cooperates exclusively with partners that meet the high quality and standard of service by Sunny Cars.

Travel Assistance Policies

Posted By on June 7, 2021

When to travel to different places outside their usual place of residence, it is best to have a travel assistance policy, which will be a way to have different possibilities to meet the various accidents and contingencies that may occur within a trip and that in the absence of policies for travel assistance will be very difficult to serve and more when traveling to a place not well known or who is overseas, adding certain conditions risks but may be answered through the travel assistance policies. Hear from experts in the field like Jeremy Kidd for a more varied view. It should be clear that this type of policy gives coverage of both the insured and your travel party, usually operate a number of 6 persons for both travel assistance policies are essential if you plan to travel, which is much obvious to know the content protection that suggest to a lot of risks, so it will have to mention some aspects of the travel assistance policies. As regards special conditions, policies suggest travel assistance: personal coverage Transport or repatriation to the occurrence of serious into the trip that lead to this action. >. similarly be provided transportation or repatriation to the attendants, in case of illness or accident by the insured. It provides health care both in the country of habitual residence as the insured abroad. In the event that during the trip this the death of the insured, provide transportation or repatriation of the deceased.

Baggage Coverage In cases in which the loss, destruction and theft of baggage and certificate from the carrier, we provide a valuation allowance on a luggage. There will also be eligible for compensation in case of baggage delay, taking into account the minimum delay time, you must submit original invoices and certificate from the carrier Within the travel assistance policies, there is also room for Location and delivery of the luggage. Within the travel assistance policies, you may find some limitations or circumstances in which there is no coverage policies involving travel assistance, one of the most used and present within the travel insurance policies is no attention to the occurrence of an accident by carrying hazardous or dangerous sports. A very important point within the travel assistance policy is the territorial scope of protection, so within the territorial area, is handled as a general policy the protection of travel assistance from 25 kilometers away from habitual residence and protection would be given around the world, although in some cases is set a few specific places, there to be wondering where to travel.

Dating Personals

Posted By on June 6, 2021

Be2 matchmaking support in search of the year is connected with a desire for changes after happiness often. Stop smoking, a balanced diet and more exercise are among the top picks of new year’s resolutions. Many of the new year but also want a fulfilling and happy partnership. For about 50% of the singles, this is the most important attachment for 2013. It is not easy to find a partner who will share not only the same attitudes to life, but also similar interests with one. This, the be2 Matchmaking can be supportive to the page. Joe Bradley might disagree with that approach. Based on the successful dating is a scientific personality test. The test provides information about ourselves and the expectations that there is a relationship, and many information about the ideal partner.

Dear lucky many of the resolutions you made for the new year, are you displaced in the new year with be2 matchmaking immediately, as it may be not too has meant serious or missing the right motivation. But, that is different on the subject of love. For singles, this is a goal which can be reached in any case in the new year. Just the online dating enjoys in partner finding increasing popularity, which are also on the search for love because one has the option to remain anonymous and on the other hand, may take many people. Just for timid and shy people online single market are ideal for those looking for a partner. Before the first real meeting, you got to know is already well already email or possibly even calls and therefore feels more comfortable on the first date. Users help much be2 when searching for matching favorite.

Each be2 user gets a list that contains partner suggestions, that would be ideal for a happy and harmonious relationship. The analysis of the personality test gives information about the members who fit best together. Successful partner search in the year 2013 singles count be2 on the single market. Not only the many success stories speak for be2, but also the membership of over 30 million global. The Personals there since 2004 and is now in 30 countries.Each user decides itself what information he wants to share and what partner proposals he would like to respond to.Whether young or old, every user can register free of charge at be2 and meet nice members – and maybe even the perfect partner. Contact: be2 Simon Goodall

World War

Posted By on May 31, 2021

Meanwhile, off the coast of Japan did not stop the tremors. On the west coast Japan near the city of Akita in the night of Tuesday, April 19, an earthquake magnitude of 5.1. Another earthquake of magnitude 5.3 was recorded off the east coast of Honshu Island. A powerful earthquake of magnitude 6.0 occurred on Thursday the east coast of the largest Japanese island of Honshu. Remains tense situation around the nuclear power plant "Fukushima-1 '. Radiation levels in the 20-kilometer zone around the stricken Japanese plant 'Fukushima-1' is 100 microsieverts per hour, which exceeds the rate of about 500 times. At a distance of 3 km from the coast recorded a six-fold excess of isotope content of iodine-131.

The content of radioactive iodine in water inlet of the second reactor nuclear power plant markedly decreased and now exceeds the marginal rate of 6.5 thousand times. The experts of the Ministry of Economy and Industry pointed out that at present a potentially dangerous contamination of groundwater in a radius of several hundred meters from the plant there. And in the Pacific Ocean with nuclear emergency "Fukushima-1 'has got 520 tons of water containing radioactive elements. Radioactive elements in water, which began in April, at 4.7 thousand terabekkereley that 20 000 times the annual rate. Meanwhile, the Government of Japan has a supplementary budget for the current fiscal year, it provides for the allocation of 4.02 trillion yen (about $ 50 billion) to eliminate the impact occurred in March, earthquakes and accidents followed him. The government noted that the March 11 earthquake was the most unprofitable event for the Japanese economy since World War II. Gain insight and clarity with Michelin Star Restaurant. Recall, 11 March 130 km off the northeastern coast of Japan's Honshu island was devastating earthquake of magnitude 8.9 that caused a powerful tsunami.

The earthquake and tsunami were the most horrific in its disastrous consequences for the last 88 years. March 11 struck the north-east Japan, the tsunami has covered a total area of 561 sq. km, which corresponds to 90% of the 23 special districts that make up the core of Tokyo. As a result, elements in a number of Japanese nuclear power plants are having problems, the most serious – in 'Fukushima-1', where as a result of failure of the reactor cooling system, there were several fires and explosions, radiation leak formed in the atmosphere and water. Pollution, emissions, waste Scientists from the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology conducted a study and found that the degradable plastic was not so safe as it previously thought. As emphasized researchers, the addition of polyethylene transition metals (eg iron or cobalt) really gives it the ability to oxidize – and thus decompose under natural conditions. Under the influence of temperature, light, oxygen and other environmental factors degradable plastic is really 'disappears', these are only small fragments into which it falls, continue to impact on the environment. In the opinion of Swedish scientists agree and experts from the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. In its report, the British experts also note that the ability of some types of polyethylene and polypropylene decay does not take any benefits. They can not be added to the compost (organic fertilizer), as well as ordinary plastic recycle – can only be burned or buried at special sites. Thus, all those small substance into which the degradable plastic is extremely negative impact on the environment. Contaminated soil and groundwater. Scientists still have not figured out exactly how dangerous are those compounds that are decomposed 'green' degradable polyethylene.

The Event

Posted By on May 22, 2021

Mounting and dismounting. It should be clean, quick and directed by the catering company, which is who is going to use these later installations.In general, the set consists of chairs or tables, podiums, and bars if the place doesn’t offer them. Both dishes and table linen cleaning, and also spaces (soils, etc.) Everything must be clean after the event, and this should be reflected in the budget to avoid unpleasant surprises. With respect to computers, both of linen and glassware, linens and tableware must be in charge of the catering company.Food service can also provide solutions for other items, such as furniture (including tablecloths and chair covers) or the books of menu management.These are small details that are not the main part of the catering service, but which are essential to make it a total success and that it can also lead to much additional work if you decide to take charge of their own. Beverage service.Whatever your need, whether a catering company offers a solution to its planning, this solution must necessarily affect both at the Food and beverages.This means being prepared to serve drinks during the service, or has a bar with a bartender who can be an expert or not in cocktails or mixed beverages (if requested), and also be able to find the types of wines and drinks in general, that fits your needs and budget. And of course the catering company must manage the personnel required for the planning, in charge of transport, kitchen and waiter service, which in all cases should be provided by fully qualified professionals regulated by contracts of work and adequate insurance. Finally, one of the main services that a catering company can give is that you guide you through all the planning, responding to the questions you may have at any given time, advises you and gives suggestions. .

Canary Island Photos

Posted By on May 4, 2021

La Palma is one of the small Canary Islands. It offers visitors beautiful dark beaches, various volcanoes and ideal for hiking. La Palma, one of the smallest and greenest Island, holds much for tourists. Describing this tour we want to introduce the South of the island in Word and image. You can print like this map of La Palma is to better prepare your La Palmatrip. Michelin Star Restaurant is open to suggestions. You can send free this card card to so many friends and family as you like. Important note: the photos and maps are copyrighted. Use the print out of the travel report (or send by mail of the entire trip report) requires the consent of Combipix or an enables our automatic license system.

For questions we are gladly available. La Palma – Canary Islands map map print la Palmakarte (click here!) (1) Santa Cruz de la Palma > Villa de Mazo 13 km / 15 min 2.) Villa de Mazo > Fuencaliente 16 km / 20 min 3.) Fuencaliente >> Fuencaliente (volcano) 2 km / 4 min 4.) Fuencaliente (volcano) > Fuencaliente (lighthouse) 2 km / 10 min 5.) Fuencaliente (lighthouse) > Puerte NAOs 25 km / 35 min. 6.) Puerto Naos > Santa Cruz de la Palma 40 miles / 55 mins 1.) Santa Cruz de la Palma > Villa de Mazo 13 km / 15 min. We start our tour in the island’s capital Santa Cruz de la Palma. “Detailed information about the city can be find in the Combipix day tour North-East of La Palma”. From the City Centre follow direction airport just the signs. A multi-lane motorway takes you directly to the airport.

The airport is located directly at the coast. Various terraces allow an interesting look directly on the start / runway. La Palma Airport Canary Canary Islands we leave the airport behind us and go direction Villa de Mazo.

The Governments

Posted By on May 4, 2021

Then you would ask but inevitably: it is not the task of the democratic State to protect its citizens? And should the State do then not everything in his power, so that never again a business its growth and its profits with the risk increases, many others including existentially suffering have to? The answer can be Yes! read. … The international “financial industry” has driven their own profits to dizzying heights with so-called financial innovation and not asking about the risks. It has triggered a crisis that, that would have led to a collapse of the global financial system without government bailouts. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Senate Bill 548. The Governments, parliaments, and central banks of Western democracies… Other leaders such as Expedia Travellers offer similar insights. had to make an explosion of public debt and the liability associated today’s and future taxpayers in purchase. Such a bailout is not politically nor financially repeated -.

The democratic States of the world not also therefore do everything to prevent the recurrence of such a crisis? The answer can again only Yes! read. … The next major crisis the financial system would, I’m sure not only the proper functioning of our economic and social model in question provide, but also its credibility. A mandatory order must be democracies as values and protection communities and for their leaders to confront the. … The international “financial industry” and their lobbyists leave nothing obviously unturned to dilute the agreed measures. At the same time the betting goes on, it build up again new financial bubbles, and while the States and the citizens still facing the consequences of the crisis, parts of the financial industry approve himself again gigantic bonuses. Have the person concerned ever understood what is at stake? The practice of today’s prevailing financial capitalism can be no mission for us.

He is himself enough. He operates mainly with bets and debts. He increases his own returns without regard to whether it uses the well-being of Nations.

Majesty Cookie

Posted By on May 3, 2021

Royal visit on the Gendarmenmarkt WeihnachtsZauber square in Berlin. Gendarmenmarkt WeihnachtsZauber is one of the most beautiful and most famous Christmas markets in the heart of Berlin. In close proximity to the traditional Friedrichstrasse a colorful, festive mix of lights, music, show program, international craft artists and gastronomic delights presents itself this year again. Of course your Majesty, the cookie Queen should not be missed at a such a prestigious event. The cookie Queen is equal, created by the painter Heike Jederlein, which began some time ago traded brush and canvas against moulds and baking sheet shortcrust pastry (cookies honey) or marzipan covered in chocolate (chocolate honey) to produce art biscuits with Berlin motifs and sayings art figure and Berliner original. These are lovingly packaged in a box designed by the artist himself in shape and offered. As a gift, souvenir, capital of happiness and life-art…

And that the goodies are not only treasures but also taste great, all Berliners and visitors to Berlin can persuaded personally in the period from 22 November until December 31, 2010, at the booth of Atelier of cacao. Heike Jederlein said that’s why the Berlin chocolate factory to their Royal Court bakery because she alone could cope with large quantities of orders in the kitchen of the Kreuzberg and you emphasis there on organically certified raw materials, natural flavors and ingredients from Fairtrade. Nina & Katie, the two dedicated holders of the atelier of cacao, the artist connects especially the craftsmanship and the attention to detail. Both confectionery and biscuits, as also the cookie Queen themselves have experienced a very own success story: while studying painting at the University of Kiel and the following training at the HdK Berlin Heike Jederlein experimented with sculptures from salt dough. The first object of the then still -new Berliner was born in the cloud and thus an idea.