
Posted By on September 2, 2020

DEDICATION TO the NATURE the INTELLECTUAL GREATNESS MUST TAKE WISELY is important to always see the man like " to be " and to the being like " hombre" since the same nature teaches to us that our human condition is weak. we are not Gods, either total governors of the nature. when destroying conscientiously our planet we destroyed ourselves same. which seems a contradictory element net. then they say some that do not destroy the planet by complacencia, the cause is that the Earth inhabitants multiply in such a way that the primary expendable supplies as it is the case of the feeding, the house and the dress are not sufficient, to supply to the operation or the excessive demographic growth.

to a certain extent they are right and that one affirmation is true actually social. It’s believed that medical billing sees a great future in this idea. but not in this way we can clear the responsibility and the election that men have we them on the planet. as which it serves to him to I number of scientists and thinkers to incline before the tyrannous policies of the Earth states with relation between the economic ambition and the little humanity towards the nature. the nature is beautiful and we cannot allow that the Earth states continue operating earth favor and to the benefit of the companies that only wish to operate the natural resource to the maximum which finished in its totality does not leave but that natural damage and ruins turning our precious planet into pedaso of rubbish. we remember a great humanist. erasmo Of Rotterdam which exposed the following thing: they are, then, therefore the cultivators of the knowledge those that less close are of the happiness. being for that reason doubly crazy, because knowing human beings they forget its condition, aspiring for being Gods and, to the way of the giants, they declare the war to the nature, being worth of the resources of science.

JOSE ORLANDO GREAT MELO NARANJO 2009 DEDICATED TO PRETTY LIZETH MENDIETA LOPEZ doctor Jose Great Orlando is one of the scientific but young philosophers that the country owns. he owns a great one I number of published works. in his he completes affirmation I assure that the country advances little by the little investment in education, since the greater investment in Colombia this ofrendada to war, reason by which the brains of Colombia are escaped, otherwise vivirian practically in the poverty, as it occurs with the educational Colombians. since it watches them to the state as tools and I number but of workers.

Losing Weight

Posted By on September 1, 2020

I have selected 4 more important myths and than we must consider when we put ourselves to regime. If we were able to understand because of its falsification we applied and them to our daily life, the result certainly will be more satisfactory. The integral foods: all have less calories How many times we have listened to this and whichever times we will have to deny it. The integral foods do not have less calories than refinings because they are elaborated with the same raw material that refinings. The unique difference between everyone is based in the amount of fiber that contain and the type of carbohydrates that contribute to us. Perhaps to have dinner fruit only helps to become thin this is one of the false myths that are put more in practice. Although it is certain that during dinner we must ingest the smaller amount of carbohydrates and do it all the light one that can, it continues being a type of caloric food, since it contains discharges amounts of fructose, an own sugar of the fruit.

By all means it gets fat much less that a pizza but continues being a food that will not satiate to us without penalty. Less eaten and less amount How many times we have heard that while we make diet the ideal is to make 5 meals to the day minimum? And its sense has: more than nothing because the ideal is to ingest smaller amounts but more scattered during the day continuously to avoid the sensation of hunger and in addition when being the organism working, the metabolism will be increased and for that reason when we are not making exercise, the body will burn major number of calories. To eat dietetic products to lose weight Not only is lie but also that we can leave the pay us of a month in it because since you verify, the purchase is much more expensive from dietetic foods that the normal ones. And not only that, but also that, exists many dietetic products that do not contain fats, but in its defect they contain great amounts of sugars to replace that lack of fat. it finds but information in: Original author and source of the article


Posted By on September 1, 2020

When a woman presents/displays a pregnancy nonwished, many options appear to him to abort. The certain thing is that many of these alternatives took to an operating room with medical instruments and operations to it. A method exists that avoided these laborious visits to him to the hospital, and the abortion tablet or cytotec is misoprostol that on sale is in Mexico since the abortion the legal one. Before nothing, to choose an abortion method, must be or safe that is pregnant woman, can be gone to homemade tests or of blood, but for greater security it is recommended to go to a laboratory that practices an ecography to him so that it is totally safe of the pregnancy. Official site: Global Marine. In the same way, to be able to use these tablets, the period of 12 weeks of pregnancy is not due to escape, since of another form, it risks to that hemorrhages or complications appear. Also it is recommended that the treatment is not carried out being single, since in spite of being safe, the bodies are different and some difficulty can be presented/displayed.

But What does cytotec in the body? Once they are had introduced the tablets, the medicine will bring with himself a series of strong contractions, which helped to expel the fetus from the body: to the being contractions outside time and by regulating forts, would present/display with himself a series of cramps and clicos like menstrual accompanied by a hemorrhage similar to the more abundant menstruation but. In some cases also mareos and vomits appear and even diarrhoea. If these symptoms are presented/displayed by more than 3 weeks it recommends to go to a doctor who will take care of the symptoms as he is taken care of the spontaneous abortions. How is applied cytotec? One is due to have the hands in perfect health since with them it is and so they will introduce the tablets to the vagina, which must be more deeply possible to have a smaller rank of error, later it is recommended that the woman lies down awhile, since I could present/display fatigue. It is recommended that days after the application of the treatment light foods and many liquids interfere. In spite of its great effectiveness (it works correctly in 95% of the cases) it is necessary to take into account that does not work in all the women, reason why if the symptoms like bleeding and clicos do not appear, it will have to become to practice the procedure around 3 days later.


Posted By on August 25, 2020

You have the possibility of creating his own mentality, if its attitude is positive or negative, depends totally on you. The capacity to change its surroundings, the friendly circle, and the attitude is under its control. i-4291.php’>Jorge Perez, offer their opinions as well. Like an equipment absorbs the data raw, also it makes the mind. Within its mind, a culture has grown. Many people feel that they do not have control of his own mind because this culture has become something negative and has managed to dim the conscious mind. The negatividad is the result of passed experiences, to be in a negative atmosphere, or to be under the influence of the nonconstructive ideas. Similar to a computer virus, you must identify all the negative events quickly to avoid that they extend within his mind, in addition, you also you can pass the virus of the negative thought to the people who surround to him. Like result, its life will be surrounded in a heavy, full atmosphere of bad things and with a quite dark energy, as is explained in the book Science and mind Like an agriculturist who cultivates the field, the energy of his mind is the culture, and depends totally on you, therefore, if you same sowing negative energies, his life have a negative effect in all the aspects, but on the contrary, you seed all acts with a positive mind, this is reflected in one more a calmer life, it cheers and it heals.

If you have a farm and stops taking care of his cultures, at the time of the harvest she is going to see that no born good fruit; this is the same with the energy within its mind. With the power of the positive mind, you have the option to gather seeds of quality. Each that you inject good things by means of the conscious mind, really positive and lasting effects can be obtained without you not even realize it, but little by little is going to be able to see that the results of maintaining a mind positive noticed at the time to day. Nevertheless, its work is not finished because still it must reinforce the lessons, and maintaining everything in a centered order. This can be compared with the fertilization, the irrigation, and cleaning of the mind.

You have to work in it of continuous way or the weeds returns to grow. It would be possible to be said that the best form to make a maintenance to its mind is by means of the meditation. By means of the meditation you can find you solve to many negative situations, turning all the negative experiences into positive experiences of learning thus obtaining what is called the power of the positive mind. As a result of this, you can manage to make new friendly, to reach goals, to handle the problems with facility, and to develop an indomitable spirit. Source: The positive mind through the meditation

EastWest: Improved Shop For Planters And Flower Pots

Posted By on August 22, 2020

More overview and photos to the large zoom of the planters more photos to the large zoom and cleaner chapter that is of EastWest’s new Web shop. The presentation of the planter has become even more customer-friendly”says the owner of Stephan Hack. The new Schick has numerous advantages: with a mouse click, the images of the Flowerpot from normal to a huge size can be zoom. The details of about the surface and the material become more visible. The premium quality is stressed as”explains Stephan Hack.

More details and high-quality recordings in beautiful scenery customers gain additional benefits. All was real, not only recording is digital has been edited with Photoshop. Only with nature shots one can imagine, look like the planters in daylight”, as the owner. Also, the descriptions of the buckets have become clearer. Learn more at this site: Apple Music. The texts are concise and briefly formulated and made for customers who have little time to read the Web page.

The Texts are subdivided several times, each section is soundly structured with headings. And not only that just in time for autumn EastWest presents new models: so beautiful flower pots with handmade floral prints complement the programme. Challenging work also the planting troughs and flower pots with a marble surface they are very elaborately made. The Roman Mediterranean style is very much in demand”, says Stephan Hack. The advantage of real marble is: the flower pots made of fibreglass weigh only a fraction and it is possible to drill sequences. EastWest trading is your reliable dealer for planters and flower pots. Resident in Ludwigsburg, near Stuttgart, employees “Eastwest” in Germany and around the world are looking for all the beautiful and high-quality planters, which make the hearts of our customers. Educate yourself with thoughts from treatment of depression. Usually we buy the goods directly from the manufacturer, this eliminates any middlemen. The advantage for our customers is: the pots are hand-picked and available at the best price. Many models can be found exclusively at EastWest trading. Since 2005, EastWest trading has focused on the distribution of flower pots and planters, and planting troughs. Are shipped throughout Europe, many customers visit but also the stock sale in Ludwigsburg, Germany.

Improve Website

Posted By on August 21, 2020

A market as big as the internet market, able to advertise any product 24 hours a day, evolving gradually allowing increasingly more people make use of their services. Theoretically, the definition of web design is taken as the process of organization, conceptualization, modeling, and execution of web pages, and thus also related to the applications and web services. Web design goes beyond that an improvement of the image, it is therefore necessary to know the subject more thoroughly. If you hire the services of a professional to improve your website, keep in mind that what you need is something more than a good design. Most importantly, learn the real operation of the website on the internet. This means that the greater integration has its page on the internet, the greater the number of visitors it attracts. A good web design occupies several fields, and best results may be noticed if the advertising approach is the most appropriate. The web design work doesn’t end when the page appears in internet, on the contrary, here is where begins a new path.

The possibilities grow in internet are infinitely larger that any other mass communication media. If not even boasts its own website this losing many opportunities to expand its roster of clients. There are several ways to create a good web design or simply performing a work of pre design, this is done when there is already a web page of by means and what is being sought is to improve the structure and design of the initial work.

Improved Ease

Posted By on August 20, 2020

The use of the blind in the cavity even easier. An attractive technical and price solution for all multi functional glass. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from snoring control devices. The blinds in the insulating glass: ISO-shadow M Glastec Rosenheimer Glastechnik GmbH presents another success article from the ISO-shadow series. As ISO-shadow and ISO-shadow plus, it is ISO-shadow M an insulating glazing with a louvers in the space between the panes. A special feature: the blind remains permanently reduced at ISO-shadow M. The control of blinds in the insulating double glazing is now even easier: the angle of which can fins precisely continuously via a handy handlebar set are absolutely new and by Glastec Rosenheimer Glastechnik GmbH developed. An attractive technical and price solution for all multi functional glasses in the private, industrial and commercial sectors.

Optimal visibility, glare and sun protection is achieved by changing the position of the Venetian blind slats. With that of the company of Glastec of newly developed handy handlebar can be adjusted the angle of the blades directly and immediately. Without hesitation Omega-3 Fatty Acids explained all about the problem. Conclusion: ingeniously simple operation without cumbersome to use cords, beads and cords. Another advantage: The position of the handle can be adapted to the different needs. He is variably adjustable in height and can be installed on request also on both sides.

Needs or individual needs, this adaptation to specific needs, ensures optimum user convenience. The blinds in the insulating glass: ISO-shadow M is a sophisticated system that can be combined with insulating glasses of different requirements, such as thermal insulation, sound insulation, laser protection, radiation shielding and naturally insulating glass without any requirements. No changes in the installation frame are necessary for the installation of ISO-shadow M. It can be added in virtually every window, facade and partition wall system, winter gardens and Mullion transom constructions. The company of Glastec enables seamless production processes. The production of insulating glass and the blinds is carried out from a single source, so a fast and uncomplicated delivery is possible.

Home Improvement Loans

Posted By on August 20, 2020

The citizens of Australia are eligible for home improvement loans exist. The home improvement loans should be used to increase equity value of the home. Homeowners of Australia are serious about their home improvement projects. Demand for home improvement is unavoidable. People engage them in home improvement works mainly for the following reasons: home improvement works add more value of beauty to the home they have built up already. Homeowners feel more security in their home after renovation. They succeed in raising the equity value of their home. The financial market has made provision of home improvement loans for the citizens of Australia.

What kinds of improvement the homeowners want to find when they renovate their home? Should the homeowners use the home improvement loans for repair jobs? With passage of time, a home becomes old. Repairing works in big or small forms are considered as urgent. This prompts the owner to engage in repair works. Repairing of sewage, water lines, electrical line etc appear very important. The homeowners decide to repair for hygiene and safety. Sometimes, new provisions are required for the members of the family. The bathroom or kitchen appears short of space.

The drawing room demands modernization. Construction of a second garage becomes in urgent need. On extra bed room is a must when the family is blessed with a new baby. It is important to note that the homeowners are doubly benefitted every time they renovate their home with the home improvement loans. Every time they step into renovation, the equity value of the home is increased considerably. Another important thing is that the homeowners should know how to differentiate between renovation jobs and maintenance jobs. Maintenance jobs are, no doubt, necessary. They help to maintain value of the home, although they do not always add anything new to the equity value of the home. The owner can take the maintenance works in his own hand or get them done by some persons who have expertise in this type of works. A homeowner can obtain the home improvement loans if he mortgages the home for the second time. He has on option of refinancing or fresh mortgage. He can go for the second, if he has good credit record. He can get equity loans for renovation of the home. He should look for the home improvement loan in the unsecured form. He should assess financial status of his own and he must study the terms and conditions before he goes for home improvement loans. Keith Kelly is author of secured unsecured loans Australia.For more information about bad credit business loans, loans for people with bad credit in australia visit

Improve Performance

Posted By on August 19, 2020

Tags AIRNERGY convinced there is treatment with sensational results days in life, it would have remained better in bed where, because you simply can focus or you feel really tired. “What sounds very profane for some people, is a bit trickier for pilots: no matter whether it is a fighter jet, a passenger or only” a small sports machine, or whether it is a race car on the ground: pilots must be always in full possession of their physical and mental performance, mostly even on the borders. The new Spirovitalisierung of AIRNERGY is now offering this support, people with such responsibility need in their profession or their hobby: it improves both the performance and the ability to concentrate. The internationally renowned sport scientist Prof.Dr. Learn more at this site: snoring mouthpiece. Elmar Wamani has proven in a study: athletes who regularly use their training and competition load AIRNERGY, have significantly better lactate, an improved heart rate as well as a significantly improved aerobic anaerobic threshold. The Airnergy study in the journal medical sportsnetwork “released. A further study and effect proof for Airnergy was created by corner of Vienna in cooperation with the University of the Ruhr in Bochum, this involves the concentration of people of different ages. This pilot study OM & diet was published in the journal and shows that affect the concentration of AIRNERGY is measurable.

Airnergy cooperates with numerous top athletes already for several years. Especially the racers from Formula 1 such as Jenson button and Rubens Barrichello, via the DTM to the Endurance Championship are enthusiastic users of respiratory supplement. With this experience, the now measured increases in concentration and performance are nothing new, except that the experiences were confirmed also scientifically sound. So is the conclusion of sports scientists Vienna corner: AIRNERGY causes a better exploitation of the Oxygen in the body, so a step up from quantity to quality.” But what are the largest consumers of oxygen in the body? (Of course including the heart) muscles, brain, and eyes! Thanks to respiration supplement, the cells of these organs can better utilize the oxygen present in the air we breathe, even so bring the institutions more power. AIRNERGY may allow each person to achieve his own goals support no matter whether the reasons have sports or health reasons, or whether it concerns professional challenges, for example for driver or pilot.

Thomas Horn

Posted By on August 19, 2020

More clarity enhanced map Berlin, January 26, 2010. The year 2010 brings many positive changes for the hotel and travel portal. Among other things a new look was the kick-off at the turn of the year. Most striking change: on the redesigned website the entire booking and information service is now concentrated on the upper menu bar available. “This is beneficial especially for users with very large or very small screens”, explains Thomas Horn, CEO and founder of Citysam AG.

Eliminating the left menu bar, the Web site, for example, on the increasingly popular Netbooks will be shown always fit. More space left at the same time, to make the content better. The new and more clearly arranged information areas such as for example the interactive city maps and country maps provide more service. In the planning stage of a trip around new printing and storage functions of map tiles facilitates the final selection of the hotel: The user chooses his destination with there existing hotels first about the “Maps” tab or in the field “Search by map” on the world map. The resulting map he can click on one of the new symbols now either directly print or save the link, to call him up again later or email to other people. If you are not convinced, visit translation software. Simple hotel search by map see: “this relaunch of our website is much more than just a change of our presence. We have done a lot of detail work in the background, with which we could improve many functions. We work as a next stage, inter alia on the optimizing and expanding our online travel guide”Horn next. Because: In addition to good ways to book information about the destination and the Exchange are becoming increasingly important with other travellers about tips in the holiday destination.