Petroleo Brasileiro

Posted By on September 8, 2020

South America consulting visited the company PETROBRAS in Brazil, Petrobras, Petroleo Brasileiro plans S.A. shipyards in Brazil, as well as the largest ship accessories trade fair in South America, the NAVALSHORE in Rio de Janeiro, according to the latest business plan Rio de Janeiro, in the years 2010-2014 investment of US $224 billion. Accordingly, the shipbuilding industry in Brazil is booming and working hours in 3-shift operation are not uncommon. So one of the offshore oil rigs is in Angra dos Reis currently under construction, which are used for offshore drilling. Equipped with refineries, compressors, generators and pumps of gigantic proportions, the deck will be later a size of 2 football fields. The capacity is 21 million gallons of oil per day. By 2020, there are 200 new ships and oil rigs in planning.

On the Atlantic coast, Petrobras has found that could catapult Brazil the oil countries in the next 20 years on the 4th huge deepwater oil reserves. South America consulting is KW 31 with a deligation from conduct visits to Brazilian shipyards to German suppliers in the field of marine technology. Supported by the BMWi, Federal Ministry of Economics and technology the measure to bring German suppliers directly to the shipyards to build business relationships. The visitor center is for those interested from the 11.08 13.08.2010. More information can be found on the Internet pages of Interested parties are welcome and will be accompanied from airport on all stations including dinner personally.

From the South-America consulting, Mr will take part Dipl. ing. Christoph Hovenjurgen, which brings as ship engineer 28 years of experience in ship technology and offshore. Mr. Hovenjurgen comes from the electrical engineering, where some of the years for the Eon AG and Vattenfall as senior engineer in various nuclear power plants was working before then as a technical officer to the Lake. Because it is business now for more than 15 years in Brazil in the marine industry, he has excellent contacts, mentality and language. A proof of the confidence of Brazilian businessmen is currently again the checkout, import and delivery of a European 20 metre luxury yacht in Sao Francisco do Sul.

Live Demonstration

Posted By on September 8, 2020

ENGINIUS now also online provides the mobile solution for the maintenance for demonstration purposes. Live demonstration of the enginius ENGINIUS now also online provides the mobile solution for the maintenance for demonstration purposes. This live demonstration gives a first impression of the modus operandi of the enginius navigation and implementation one on many years of experience-based user guidance. Read additional details here: music downloads. Click an example through following processes: object selection (manual) selection of maintenance orders back registration entry time feedback create (lockout) messages collection of catalogues (E.g. damage pictures) Note: Java must be enabled for the live demonstration. To do this, please follow the link: de / Enginius_Mobile_Demonstration.html. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit omega 3. Have fun trying it out! The focus of the 2001 founded ENGINIUS Beratungsgesellschaft fur Informationstechnologie mbH based in Schwetzingen is located in the coupling of business processes using modern information and Communication techniques.

ENGINIUS designed the eponymous mobile maintenance system enginius. Mobile maintenance the ENGINIUS connects people with the world of the computer-aided maintenance. Employees in production and technology are able to see using small mobile devices (PDA) with auto identification technology right on the scene-important information about plants and maintenance orders, as well as to undertake directly activities or feedback. The mobile solution can in existing system environments (such as SAP) by corresponding connectors are integrated or but work as an independent Instandhaltungsplanungs and control system (IPSS).

Rogers Adoption

Posted By on September 8, 2020

The present work outlines these schema-based new product yields release and is evidence of the impact of the marketing practice. First of all, therefore essential conditions of schema-based product assessment from adoption research and its theoretical framework are named. Is then inferred a schema-based new product assessment model and its empirical application presented with implications for the communication. 2. theoretical considerations 2.1.

adoption process of new products and influencing factors of product assessment in the literature is a large number of models of the process of adoption of innovations described 4. These model descriptions are structurally similar, and model the adoption of innovations as a sequence of individual phases of the first perception to the adoption or rejection of innovation. Favorite among all models is that of Rogers and Shoemaker. Therefore, it serves as a starting point and further classification framework Versions. “In phase one (knowledge) of the adoption process of the innovation decision model” by Rogers and Shoemaker the product knowledge is established ideal type 5 by the perception of information about innovation. Neurological studies show, by the way, that information processing and memory performance benefit, if stimuli to activate emotion-related brain areas 6. Whenever fish oil supplement listens, a sympathetic response will follow. In the second phase (persuasion) is an assessment of this first perception from which the individual attitude (acceptance or resistance) of innovation results.

The subsequent phase (decision, implementation, confirmation) lead to a sustained adoption or rejection of innovation 7 in its consequence. While both feedback and overlaps and grinding different temporal dimension and intention at all stages of the adoption process (individual evaluations) held in reality. While in the final stages of the adoption process, the behavior of the individual is through, characterized the first two phases (knowledge, persuasion) through the re-evaluation of product based on existing experience treasures and knowledge of typical relationships of 8. Knowledge of the innovation is then highly subjective and results from the selective inclusion of information 9 and the interpretation and assessment of the information on the basis of existing knowledge structures. In these first phases the already existing cognitive patterns of the potential customers influence the information processing and judgments so. Contradictions to cognitions are sensitive events for the remainder of the process. The view of the processes in the first two stages of the adoption process is therefore also in the review of the possibilities of new products in this article crucial 10 and defines the field of investigation for this article. In this context, it is important to note that the judgements of a customer by a series of critical variables is affected. Holak 11 are the characteristics of the recipient and of the product as well as the Environment of direct influence on product acceptance or resistance of the product. The following figure shows the categorization of the influencing factors with exemplary specifications. For example, complexity and handling of the new product have direct influence on the acceptance of the product. Very complex and very user unfriendly products will accept heavier customers than is the case for simpler, easy-to-use products.

Director Jutta Wrona

Posted By on September 7, 2020

GAH Alberts opts for fittings, wrought-iron products, articles for fence building and garden thinks Gustav Albert GmbH & co. KG from the sauerland Herscheid in applications and solutions around the building, renovating and beautifying education on their own farms Herscheid, August 3, 2010. And with a full range of over 6,500 products, GAH Alberts is a leading industry brand for retailers, hardware stores and industrial customers in Europe. As a training company, provides the family business for their own, funded trained skilled. In the year 2010, seven percent of employees will be trainees. Warehouse logistics, industrial mechanic, tool and industrial clerks trains mainly in the professions GAH Alberts.

The industrial clerks learn increasingly also in the Federation courses Bachelor of science in industrial engineering and Bachelor of Arts in international management. Here they have the opportunity to qualify by studying part-time. In addition, they receive in the Industrial clerk and EU training course an additional qualification with commercial EU competence, the knowledge of foreign languages, geography, and EU economic law includes. In addition, the manufacturer shall demand also trainees in other professional fields, as for example in the fields of media design and surface technology. Transfer rate at 95 percent of GAH Alberts manufactures many of its products in Germany and is therefore dependent on qualified personnel. Checking article sources yields medical billing as a relevant resource throughout. The education occupies a high priority with us”, stressed Jutta Wrona, human resources manager at the forth makers manufacturer. With our commitment, we want to deliberately impact the shortage of contrary and attract the next generation to us for our company with a sound education itself. We educate, to take over.” So the acquisition rate is after training GAH Alberts regularly at 95 percent.

Thirty of the total 430 employees are apprentices. In August, eight trainees as industrial clerks, toolmakers, are to the training start Join the warehouse and machine and operator their apprenticeship in Herscheid. The seats for the education start 2010 GAH Alberts are already fully occupied. The manufacturer but now accepts applications for the 2011 training year.


Posted By on September 6, 2020

PecFent contains fentanyl citrate in aqueous solution and uses the Archimedes developed PecSys technology. The PecFent solution has a low viscosity and can be easily administered using a nasal spray pump in small doses of 100 mcl. The nasal spray produces a fine, consisting of roughly equal-sized droplets spray given off at the front of the nostrils. The calcium ions present in the nasal mucosa cause the pectin forms a thin layer of gel, so that lingers the fentanyl on the nasal mucosa and fast but controlled reaches the systemic circulation. PDF Downloads does not necessarily agree. So, problems such as misaligned or ingestion of acting-containing solution can be avoided thanks to the PecSys technology. Other technological options of Archimedes ChiSys, PecSys and TARGIT are used in a number of other products in late clinical development. ChiSys, an innovative active ingredient delivery method, which prolongs the life of molecules on the mucous membrane, has proven potential for the administration of vaccines.

Has been on improving the immune response in preclinical and clinical studies of Nasally administered vaccines. PecSys, the patented active ingredient delivery system by Archimedes, based on the novel pectin technology, is designed to fully exploit the potential of systemically resorbed active ingredients, by will improve the performance of drugs and so the acceptance on the part of the patients increased. Information to the cancer breakthrough pain (breakthrough cancer pain, BTCP) of cancer breakthrough pain up to 95% of all cancer patients are affected. Flash-onset and unpredictable episodes of intense pain, which may occur despite a basic pain therapy are characteristic. These pain attacks start all of a sudden, reach their peak usually after about 5 minutes, and hold for 30 to 60 minutes.


Posted By on September 6, 2020

Hello Holly, Already I returned to work the pain and picazn has gone away completely and it is a great blessing! – Mike M. RECENT TESTIMONY: ” Two days My hemorroides have calmed me picazn and the sangramiento Gracias.” has been stopped have improved much; I am using method H Miracle three times to the day, during the last ones two days. My hemorroides have calmed and picazn and the sangramiento already was stopped to me. I have not had constipation, but on the contrary now I go bathroom after each food already almost I do not have pain. Unique that I have is one picazn and the pain in the anus. Thank you very much P.J. Sydney, Australia Your you are what you eat, and one delas majors causes of the hemorroides is the constipation that is caused as well by the bad ones to nutritional habits or the use of opioides That are the opioides: The opioides are prescribed frequently by their analgesic effective properties to alleviate the pain.

The analgesic opioides are a drug group that owns great analgesic activity, half-full by the activation of receivers specific in the system nervous central and peripheral, that are derived natural from the opium, or derived semisynthetic or analogous synthetic with many characteristics common. More information here the severe constipation, induced by the use of opioides it aggravates the quality of life of the people, because it generates hemorroides or hemorrhoids, abdominal pain, you feel nauseous, I vomit, abdominal distencin, sensation of incomplete evacuation, sensation of mass in the colon. The 90 by the way of the patients who receive analgesic for the treatment of the pain can present/display constipation and hemorroides that its quality of life affects. It is by that this suffering one has become the main reason for which the patients stop taking the opioides in order to hold the pain and not the constipation triggering factor the hemorroides.

The Failure

Posted By on September 6, 2020

Therefore, one is not confused at the time of resorting to the essences, does not hope to that help they it to forget. Snoring mouthpiece has much experience in this field. Utilcelas like aid to act, like positive impacts to the thought, hopes of them the best aid to think its failure of a positivista way del who arise satisfactory future scenes. If it works the essences of a creative way, will notice changes. There is a way to request aid to the flower, to cause that its energy turns its weaknesses into its future strengths. That is in my opinion a position intelligent that arrives much more far that any tranquilizer.

When using the essences always aspire to learn the lesson that must learn and to develop the inner forces that you have. Nietzcche said that there is to know what knowledge is wanted and that is wanted. Following my example, if you know that you seek for you a life in happy pair and, his solitude of today can be a torment, but it is a blessing if she is been from having interrupted a pair that had made the life impossible. And the balance of the sadness, the melancholy in the failure would have to be the sensorial stimuli that you deserve to conserve as pale ready always alert reflection but and to ignite avoiding you to him to fall in a similar error. From our works with Gentian to surpass failure experiences and to obtain from them valuable learnings, we can affirm that the failure is not a problem to solve, is a unique key that abre to the greatness. In order to implement this concept it is necessary to reject the idea that the failure means error or that something is bad. The failure is an indicator without returns: it says clearly a thing to us and that thing is that what we have come doing, we have come as it doing does not work or it does not give the result that we hoped.

The Confederation

Posted By on September 5, 2020

Today I am a little more claiming the habitual thing, or simply it is that I do not finish finding out very well. It is this demagoguery or I am mistaken? On the other hand, I also know to play that game of the demagoguery. To whom it desires to him to play is not a question to make jokes, but this already is seeming to me of joke. I already commented in some previous article how the operation of the work market responds basically, like the one of another market anyone, to the crossing of supply and demand, that establishes the price (that is to say, the wage) and the demanded amount; although in circumstances like the present ones, as it explained the Keyneses, we can remain in a situation of elevated unemployment, when being the demand very debilitated and the future expectations to be negative. Well, up to here – although we could enter shadings is clearly.

The industralists want to pay a price by which he works for them, the workers are prepared on the other, to work and in the crossing of supply and demand, the industralist contract to worker by a wage. The Confederation of Industralists, Ceoe, argues that there is to lower the price of the dismissal, because its high cost is one of the reasons by which in Spain use is destroyed massively. The reason that uses is that as passes the time, the costs of the dismissal are higher, and the industralist, before the economic uncertainty, prefers to dismiss now that to the future. Hum It will be certain? The unions indicate that it is on the contrary, the use that is being destroyed mainly is the weather, whose cost of dismissal is rather cheap. Hum they will be right? Fortunately, there am well-known good and bad industralists (of everything it is learned), those that worry about their workers and those simply see who them like resources, but the argument of Ceoe does not finish to me convincing.

Getting Whiter Teeth

Posted By on September 4, 2020

To have the stained or faded teeth can be a true source of inconvenience and annoyance for many people, mainly if often they are in front of much people like part of its work. You will be asking yourself, what is the best way to have white teeth. The best way is to use products that are cheap, safe and effective. Perhaps check out snoring control devices for more information. Products that can be used in the comfort of your house. The procedures of dental blanqueamiento are a very popular to even more shine better, but young way and sexy. But the dental procedures can be very expensive and can require frequent visits to the dentist so that they have a lasting effect but. So but and but people are looking for average few expensive but effective ones to have white teeth.

Even with the correct dental hygiene, the teeth can finish stained due to the habits of the person. The coffee consumption, as well as the habit to smoke can turn the yellow teeth. You can resort to the dental treatments like the laser as well as chemical therapies in the doctor’s office of the dentist, but by all means that those treatments much money can cost that the majority of people does not have. Luckyly, technologies of dental blanqueamiento exist that can be used from house. These you usually formulate are cheap, effective and generally safe to use them in house. These products of dental blanqueamiento in house make use of the technique that is well-known like blanqueamiento of low concentration, these products to have white teeth use a concentration of 10% of hydrogen peroxide. This is the best concentration with the purpose of to remove organic compounds as the spots of food and the bacteria of the mouth besides guaranteeing that the surface of the teeth this in good state leaving huge white teeth. Although it is possible to be applied directly in the mouth, can be a little I inconvenience and therefore the products of dental blanqueamiento usually come in strips, in the form of gel or like buccal protectors so that it is possible to be applied easily and the chemicals can remain in the teeth by the necessary amount of time so that he is effective.

These agents launderers generally minutes apply in the teeth by 20-25 or up to one hour to the day, everything depends of the concentration on used peroxide. This is ideal for occupied people who do not have the time to be in the doctor’s office of a dentist, hoping in the line and waiting for the procedure who can take hours, with these products they can do it to the people from the comfort of its house during its own time. Now you can have white teeth but from the comfort of your home. This is the best way to whiten the teeth since she is cheap, easy to apply, safe and effective. It is not possible to be asked but. Next the secret comes to have teeth but white that very few people share, they even use it to the celebrities. This procedure to whiten the teeth is of but safe and this approved by the FDA of the United States of North America which assures its effectiveness. The product to which I talk about is Idol White, unique is I generate, you can free ask for a sample without no type of commitment.

Democracy Or Freedom

Posted By on September 3, 2020

As King Abdalah II mentions, democracy means different things for different towns. For slowst and authoritarian, democracy is only an electoral process. For the most advanced, the elections are the beginning of the democracy. In Latin America during last the 25 years, all the countries – with exception of Cuba they entered in a period of relative democratic stability, but the freedom is staggering because freedom with libertinism is confused. is allowed that any group – in many simple cases formed by patoteros- it does what it comes to him in desire. Since there is no moral authority in the governors to repress with the law to those who alters the newspaper to live on the population or, in some cases they are the own governments whom they urge the chaos later to appear like the rescuers, each does what wants. There were times – in military dictatorships of rights in which security worked peacefully and, the laws were fulfilled, was respected to the authority, but there was no free political exercise. In contrast, today freedom exists policy and of expression – every time more threatened in countries like Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia-but does not exist security, the work is unstable, the economies are not solidified, I handle of the power is egoistic and opportunistic, and hypocritically, while the governors speak of elections, they look for to remain in the control of by life.

With the promise to become position of the needs of the town – in places where people feel incompetent against her Asian pairs, North American or European the authoritarian Populists negatively seduce the masses doing to them to lose their right to the self-determination. Sigmund Freud said: the majority of people really does not want freedom, because the freedom implies responsibility, and the majority of people is scared to the responsibility. The Paternalistic State when monopolizing the economic instruments, defines the individual of the responsibility of the work, that takes with himself the one of being free and to confront independently to the world.