About Skyscanner Skyscanner

Posted By on November 23, 2020

Already a significant decline in the flight search is to Sharm el Sheikh after the fatal shark attack on a tourist in Sharm el Sheikh the beaches of the region have been blocked. The Germans had succumbed to their injuries after the attack. Last week also holiday-makers from Russia by a shark were attacked and injured. The revocation should last as long until all potentially dangerous sharks near the coast have been captured. Others including Whole Foods, offer their opinions as well. The recent events also immediately affect tourism in Sharm el Sheikh.

Max Janson, Germany Director of flight search engine Skyscanner, says: We have already a marked decline in the requests noted: last weekend, 14% fewer flights were searched for Sharm el Sheikh as yet on the weekend before. As well an attack on a German holidaymaker, we expect that the decline will show up even clearer.” About Skyscanner Skyscanner was founded in 2001 in Scotland by the three computer scientists, Gareth Williams, Barry Smith and Bonamy Grimes. The avid skiers of Gareth Williams had tried in vain to find cheap flights for his ski vacation, then designed a sophisticated flight comparison chart and was born the idea to Skyscanner. The flight is one of the brightest in Europe and offers the direct online price comparison for flights more than 670,000 at over 600 airlines.

Adventure Travel

Posted By on November 14, 2020

Varied fauna and flora on nature trips in Costa Rica experience Costa Rica is known for its rich flora and fauna, as well as the commitment to sustainable tourism and therefore highly recommended for nature and adventure travel. Despite its small size, the country has a varied landscape: white beaches, dense rain forests, rugged mountains and volcanoes dominate Costa Rica. Throne around the Central Highlands mountains, coffee is grown on the slopes, in Guanacaste, many national parks, on the Nicoya peninsula white beaches are in the northern tier lagoon and much more. All twelve different vegetation zones exist in Costa Rica, mangrove swamps about dry forests to tropical rain forests and treeless steppe landscape. To broaden your perception, visit Pronto Markets. The nature in Costa Rica is everywhere: here live five percent of all worldwide known species, including one-tenth of bird species discovered to date. Biodiversity comprises more than a million species such as Anteaters, iguanas and Monkey. And every tourist can come without effort with rare animals in contact, because more than a quarter of the total area of Costa Rica’s nature reserve was made or belongs to national parks. Many tourists come to Costa Rica, Jaguars, to observe quetzals and three toed sloth in freedom.

However, only a few visitors get a Jaguar in the wild to face. Pentagon: the source for more info. Local company organize trekking tours or safaris, and well-marked paths lead through the lively forest. Also for adventure travel, Costa Rica is a fascinating country. A wide range of outdoor activities can be booked by the trekking tours about white water rafting on bird walks through the Central Highlands to canopy tours. This fly participants, equipped with safety belt and linen, in 15 m above the forest floor through the air a total adrenaline rush! Standing between tree crowns of the forest from the bird’s eye view can be enjoyed for a few minutes. Away from the tourist crowds can not only discovered the diverse flora and fauna, but also close contact with the residents of Costa Rica, the Costa Ricans”, are established. Their kindness and hospitality is typical of the Rican. The exchange among environmentally friendly nature trips with local people.

Travel Tips

Posted By on November 12, 2020

Everyone knows the Costa Brava as one of the most popular holiday destinations in the Costa Brava summer referred to the coastal area in the Vosges of Spain. The Costa Brava offers good opportunities for holidays for families and groups. Of course, the beaches are very beautiful and it is a place where parents can play alone and children. Nevertheless, there is much to see and do. In the following some advice on the Costa Brava are described specifically for families. Waterworld Lloret de Mar, this is the largest water park on the Costa Brava with many rides and there is even a bungee-Sprung.Dieser Park offers a huge variety of water rides and slides, and it is a good idea for those who want to do something else during the holiday, as only at the beach. There is a free shuttle bus to the Park.

The opening hours are from 10: 00 to 19: 00 every day in the summer. The ruins of Empuries, the remains of the Greek city of Empuries is located in Sant Marti d’ Empuries in close to the coastal town of L’Escala.It is a fascinating place, where there were Greek and Roman settlements. The ancient Empuries consisted of four parts: the Greek settlement on a peninsula (now Sant Marti d ‘ Empuries); the Greek city on the mainland also Neapolis, near the sea, Neustadt; the Roman city, which was built about Neapolis; as well as the settlement of the Iberians, whose exact located is not fixed until today. Empuries was founded in about the year 575 BC by Greek colonists from Phocaea. Please visit Nokia if you seek more information. You can visit the archaeological site in about two hours. While one discovers how the houses, temples and markets looked in that remote epoch. Gnomo Park near the town of Lloret de Mar is located at the Gnomo amusement park. This Park is suitable for younger children.

Farm House, children attraction, a labyrinth, the Park offers a GNOME, baby attractions, bowling, Adventure Golf and many other activities. There is also a snack bar and a restaurant in the Park. This area is provided by the Cap de Creus nature park Spanish Government protected. It is one of the fascinating places in the Iberian Peninsula in the North of the Costa Brava. The Cap de Creus nature park includes the municipality of El port de la Selva, La Selva de Mar, Llanca, Cadaques, Palau-Saverdera, Pau, roses and Vilajuiga. It has a steep coast with deep waters and many small islands, very high cliffs, reefs from the heavy rock by erosion and the winds. There are forests in the Interior of the country and hidden coves with crystal clear waters, often only from the sea. The unique nature of the rock with the form of animals are especially impressive. On the Costa Brava there are a many types of accommodation for families. The booking of a holiday apartment in Costa Brava is very popular for families. These apartments are an ideal alternative, and more freedom for children because it has its own kitchen.

Wehr Enerchange

Posted By on November 12, 2020

In-depth overview of the essential aspects of the preparation and implementation of deep drilling which newly published Guide to the development of the reservoir gives the Agency Enerchange a sound overview of the essential aspects of the preparation and implementation of deep drilling – and deals with the heart of each was this one. Freiburg 24.01.2012 – the Agency Enerchange reservoir development guide for deep geothermal projects “published. The trade volume published in first edition contains 117 pages and contains 16 articles by experts on the essential aspects of the preparation and implementation of deep drilling. The guide is published by the Agency on information services specialized in the field of renewable energies is Enerchange in cooperation with the drill master school of Celle. The new guidance reflects the diverse requirements for a Tiefenbohrprojekt to the use of geothermal energy: in the first section, for example the themes are drill contract, cost-optimised drilling, requirements for the Drill square and drilling rig as well as the Bohrungsgeomechanik. In addition, the issue is illuminated, when vertical and when distracted should be drilled.

In the second section, it turns to the execution of the deep drilling focuses on are amongst the different drill bits that logging mud and various cementation solutions. The publication is completed by contributions to safety and environmental protection in drilling, as well as on the subject of noise protection. The deep drilling is not only the most expensive part of a geothermal power project. Their execution ultimately also decides on the success of the future investment”, emphasizes Dr. Jochen Schneider, Managing Director of Enerchange. The Guide should help to get an in-depth overview of the essential aspects of this project step, thereby improving the understanding of the requirements of the bore and contribute to the success of future projects.” The authors of the Guide are practitioners and experts from business, science and industry. So, for example Thor Noevig by the Bohrdienstleister Hekla energy, which explains how to optimize the drilling costs through the proper selection of drill and drill bits. For example, Dr.-ing are also represented.

Aeint Picksak by the drill master school in Celle, the outlined, in which parameters determine how the hole should be drilled, and Dr Axel Rogge company geo-data and Henning flower company Schlumberger. For more information see Nokia. While Rogge (mud logging) outlining the advantages of the continuous monitoring of data when drilling, flower reported cementation solutions for geothermal. The other authors are Axel Sperber, Reiner Brumme, Andreas Macek, Dr. Tobias Backers, Dr. Carsten Fichter, Dr. Udo Grossmann, Dr. Martin Karad and Dr. Reinhard Wehr. Enerchange won a competent cooperation partner with the drill master school Celle as a State-recognized school for drilling, extraction and pipeline technology. “We are pleased that Enerchange has realized this guide as a practical compendium is now available that not only in our school can be used in industry “, says Dr. Udo Grossmann from the drill master school in Celle.That is a further step to promote geothermal energy in Germany.” The consistently four-color guide costs 69 Euro Excl. VAT and shipping costs and aimed at experts in planning, financing, and consulting firms, as well as on prospective drilling professionals, among others.

Freedom: It Searchs Or Reality?

Posted By on November 2, 2020

FREEDOM: personal or collective concept? Summary from the article homonym of Fernanda Carolina Vaz Can the man be free? But where it consists such freedom? Some would say that freedom is submission absence, others will say that it is autonomy of the rational citizen. Of any form, the rationality serves of subsidy so that the Freedom is, seno a reality, but a search. In accordance with the article, we have that the Freedom is defended as one to act the laws in accordance with, with an exception, the personal Freedom exceeds the pressures of the community, giving itself thus the autonomy of ' ' each one ' '. Adentrando this abyss of the individual Freedom, with Sartre we have the free and condemned man to this, already with Stuart Mill we find the Freedom in the individuality of the citizen and, only thus, this strap the search of the proper one well to its proper way. However, we have a question, if the Freedom is only given of individual form and each one knows of its well, will be that the civility would not make with that free men are an utopia? Safranski, in accordance with such subject, in it introduces the idea of that the true Freedom is not lived, and yes desired.

Therefore the Freedom is submitted to a civility imposed for a collective order. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as hybrid bikes by clicking through. Being thus, the Freedom only of – in thought and never in practical. It would be, then, the Freedom something that the human dream feeds, therefore in accordance with other philosophers, as Kant, for example, to be free is to be independent, that is, to give exactly the rules to itself to be followed rationally; already in Spinoza we have that to be free he is to perhaps make what follows necessarily of the nature of the agent and again in Sartre, one of the biggest philosophers of the conviction to the Freedom, the freedom is the ontolgica condition of the human being, the man is nothing before defining itself as something, and is absolutely free to define itself, to engage itself, to lock in itself, to deplete itself exactly. With all these thoughts and questionings we find a hanger where everything can be hung well, the hanger of the indizvel, the Freedom that all we understand, but that nobody obtains to explain. E, finally, in them remains a last one question: will be good the conviction to the Freedom? Therefore as well Island of the Flowers is said in the film, the man if differs from the other animals for being free.

Jochen Zimmermann

Posted By on November 1, 2020

April 1 through action/wwf holiday book and support the WWF Berlin, February 24, 2011 every minute disappear around 35 football fields valuable forest. * to counteract the users of the portal for sustainable travel, Traverdo, between February 21 and April 1 can make a contribution to this development. Because at the start of the international year of forests, proclaimed by the United Nations”, the portal for each trip booked donates 3% of the price to the WWF. Mobile App Development Company Services insists that this is the case. And who also want to get an idea about, what happens with the money locally, can book easily travel through Traverdo to WWF projects. Who from 21 February through Traverdo, the first German-language portal for sustainable travel, book his holidays, hurt not only for the environment and the people in the country, but at the same time helps the WWF worldwide to get involved for the environmental protection. Since April 1, three percent of the price of all booked travel directly to the go Environmental organization. The preservation of forests and sustainable tourism are inseparable”, forestry scientist and Traverdo co-founder of Lucas von Furstenberg says. “So we take care in the selection of the offered travel strictly an ecological and social compatibility: all our trips are approved by eco-label and travel and accommodation are designed as climate – and environment-friendly provider on site are paid fair”, so von Furstenberg.

Illegal logging of precious tropical Woods and the growing deforestation of large areas for agricultural use, cause that decimated the worldwide forest resources at a rapid pace. Sustainable tourism can make an important contribution to the preservation of forests. Eco tourism projects, as well as nature reserves offer an alternative to cutting down the rain forest the local people to secure their income. In addition, they promote the acceptance of conservation measures and raise awareness among the locals for their need. Because of the support in the Population is very important,”says Jochen Zimmermann, the second of the three founders of Traverdo, who has appeared even in building an eco-tourism project in the frame of a nature reserve in Honduras. The work of WWF makes a huge contribution here and we are very pleased to support this together with our customers,”continue to Zimmermann. The work of WWF Traverdo user in selected regions can convince even: just click WWF travel, choose for your favorite project and book a trip to the project. * Source: World Wide Fund for nature (WWF) on Traverdo the Traverdo GmbH was founded in March 2010 to enjoy travel in good conscience. The team operates the online portal the first German-language travel portal in the network, which is focused on providing sustainable travel. Close cooperation with currently 24 associations and labels guarantees the compliance with environmental and social minimum standards for a growing new travel market.

Travel Tip Bosnia

Posted By on November 1, 2020

Invites passionate travelers on a journey of discovery through the Balkans – Bosnia to Macedonia the independent Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Balkan peninsula. The extraordinary diversity of the picturesque and inaccessible district, the thrilling juxtaposition of different cultures and influences from the Islamic, Catholic and Orthodox religion make a discovery journey through the real Balkans so exciting. In Sarajevo the Zeitgeist in the midst of cultural treasures, mosques and cathedrals is noticeable now. Does not preclude also modern Oriental flair, the hospitality and culinary specialities do the rest. The symbol of peace and Bosnia’s landmark is the rebuilt bridge Stari Most.

Less well known, the former Dervish monastery and the source are but a detour worth the Buna near Mostar. The largest Turkish Hammam of the Balkans can be found in the original Macedonia. The landlocked country with its own charm awaits with the Pearl of the Balkans”Ohrid, UNESCO Cultural heritage, and one of the oldest and deepest Lakes, crystal-clear Lake Ohrid, on. Not only Alexander the great has left its mark in Macedonia. Beautiful cultural monuments, churches and monasteries are witnesses to a very colorful history. The medieval castle Angela Kale is one of the most beautiful destinations in the country. But also nature lovers in the unique mountainous country with up to 2,800 meters tall peaks fully at their own expense. With Ottoman relics, but also unique natural beauties like the Rugova, historic Kosovo invites the traveller to multi-faceted exploring Gorge.

Serbia, however, has not only the landscape but also Baroque pur. This era seems as alive as the capital city of Belgrade is dynamic and is located in the lively atmosphere in Sremski Karlovci. Paradeast.com, online specialist for travel in the East and member of the German ReiseVerband (DRV) and trusted shops certified, offers a variety of tours in the Balkans. The study tour is our personal recommendation… More Balkan travel, see… Current news there is Paradeast.com on twitter.com/parade AST online specialist for travel in the East and member of the German ReiseVerband (DRV) and trusted shops certified. On the four travel portals,, and conveyed selected explorers travel to Eastern Europe, far East, Middle East, and Oceania.


Posted By on November 1, 2020

For force of my profession and experience, I have observed umfato that is if becoming each more current time: the relations between efilhos parents are being mined for arraigados ressentimentos that teimam to emsobreviver and of which, many proper times the involved ones seem not querermais if to move away. Changes in the world are occurring in fast way very, soterrando old values and principles, creating a species of abyss between asduas generations. Such which drops of chuvaque, even so small, go gradativamentecausando erosion and finish invariably causing landslides, the contendaspessoais that occur in day-by-day, finish for solapar the relations between paise children, for more solid than they can have been. A small series of agressese accusations go if accumulating until the moment where they cannot more being contained. By the excess of waters of the discord, levees are breached and feelings ruinsbrotam to the eddies, many times causing irreversible ruptures. From there then, in virtue of past events, they elesou finish losing much time if hating and realimentando essesvelhos ressentimentos, fact leads that them to turvarem its souls, impedindoqualquerpossibilidade of that the life follows its normal flow, without the naturaisbarreiras created for old and exceeded questinculas.

On the contrary of the pardon, the accusation; on the contrary of the dialogue, words cried out and contaminated of anger. Ningumquer to lose land in the field of the incompreenso and the intolerncia. It does not have chancesa to give, the business is to perpetuate the conflict. She seems that people exist who longedo litigation, do not feel themselves well. They are fed of it and of it its existences remove sentidopara all. hour to stop and to reevaluate position.

The metamorphoses, mainly in the field of the moral, the ethics and the customs, are occurring comuma vertiginous speed and many times the people are having dificuldadesem to incorporate them quickly and accepted them. They are not having time of readaptaremseus principles and values. Philosophies that had conducted the people during vriasgeraes are not easy to be moved. It is necessary serenity for osdevidos adjustments to the new times, even because, what he was new yesterday, tomorrow it will jser old and consumed. I do not want to evaluate if such changes are good or bad. Sintoporm, that necessary if makes that the involved people unload and sepultemantigas divergences, remakes its conceptions and looks to a point of equilbrioentre the two positions, creating a bridge of by pair between the two ladosdo abyss. Only thus, guided for the beginning of the transignciaaliado one to a constant dialogue between the antagonistic vises, we will be able to more launch umraio of light on the incited conflicts each time than to vejoocorrerem entrepais and children. Jorge Andres Irion Jobim. Lawyer of Saint Maria, RS

Belarusian National Technical University

Posted By on October 30, 2020

In Evpatoria Crimea department faculty DNAs them. Dahl finished II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems of development of transport systems and logistics.” The forum, which was already traditional, attended by leading experts in the field of transport and logistics of the CIS and abroad, in particular the Far Eastern State Transport University, Khabarovsk, Russia; Silesian Technical University, Katowice, Poland, the Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Belarus; The business academy. DA price, Svishtov, Bulgaria. Ukraine was view: National Transport University, Kiev, Kiev National University. Taras Shevchenko, Kiev, Dnieper State Academy of Engineering and Architecture, Dnepropetrovsk; National University “Lvivska poltehnka”, Lviv; HNADU, Kharkov; KNU. M. Whole Foods Trends Council often addresses the matter in his writings. Ostrogradskii, Kremenchug, DNAs them.

Dal, Lugansk, Donetsk Academy of Road Transport, Donetsk, Ukrainian First Marine Institute, Sevastopol, Azov State Technical University, Mariupol, Odessa Institute of Azov Sea National Maritime Academy, Odessa, Sumy State University, Sumy. In conference program was more than 130 reports on topical issues of logistics and transport systems, which are reflected in the publication in a scientific journal – “Journal of DNAs them. Dal. ” Among the statements presented It should be noted at the conference reports: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Petrashevsky OL (National Transport University, Kiev, Ukraine), Ph.D., associate professor Grigorak MY (KNAU, Kiev, Ukraine), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor GI Nechaev (DNAs them .. Dal, Lugansk, Ukraine), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Berestovo AM (Azov Sea Institute, Odessa National Maritime Academy, Odessa, Ukraine).

During the conference a meeting of the section “Logistics” Scientific-methodical commission Ukraine. It was attended by representatives of the leading departments, manufacturing logistics experts leading Ukrainian universities.


Posted By on October 29, 2020

Daily in restaurants, cafes and pizzerias the world visitors are eating more than 500 million pizzas. And how many shop bought so popular semi-finished or cooked this dish at home! Uncomplicated baked burrito and spices won the hearts of millions of gourmet – regardless of their level of wealth and social position in society, religious and socio-political views. But how cosmopolitan is "closely" in the their national culture, and the pizza was not enough just sunny Italy. There are many variations of this "world citizen" – a magnificent American, acute Mexican, Sicilian, the Japanese "okonomiyaki" Indian cottage cheese, folded in half, "calzone." You can enumerate a long time. European and Asian cultures, not only borrowed this tasty Mediterranean dish, but adapted it according to your tastes. Interesting facts about pizzas Since people learned how to bake cakes with fillings, we can talk about the birth of the idea of pizza, prototypes of this culinary masterpiece. This happened about 6000 years ago in ancient Egypt. It is known that the Persians in many military campaigns also love to pamper yourself tortillas with cheese and dates.

This dish was also known to the ancient Etruscans, another great people of antiquity. The ancient Greeks served as the prototype of a pizza baked flat bread, which was called plakuntos. On the raw dough, they laid out the cheese, onions, vegetables and greens, doused with olive oil and baked. Is not it true, is very similar to modern recipes? Incidentally, the tomatoes had not yet been known to the Mediterranean. Such bread and loved the ancient Romans – the well-known connoisseurs of delicious and good food. They have complicated the recipe and changed their name to placenta. In their pizza did not cost them anything to add, for example, honey. On the other version of the recipe "pitsei" – unleavened bread and vegetables – have brought the Roman legionaries in Palestine.

The origin of this popular cake is still debate. Nevertheless, the right to be called the birthplace of pizza this jealously Italy defends, but rather Naples. This is no accident. It was in this city, who was then a small kingdom, first prepared pizzas – such as we know and love today. In the early morning special master pizza (Pizzaiolo) round cake made of flour and olive oil. They tossed dough circular movements upwards, covered it with fresh tomatoes and bacon, adding the garlic and herbs (basil or oregano), anchovies and mushrooms and baked in special wood-fired oven at high temperature. This method of cooking is now considered a classic. After they folded pizza in a special round metal barrel and carried them to the port – for sale. It was in Naples in the XVIII century the first pizzeria, which very much resembled the modern ones. Pizza – Italian cuisine pizza was considered a poor meal. Later, after almost a century, it "tasted" the royal court. Queen Maria Carolina, wife of Ferdinand IV, regaled his guests with pizza, cooked in your own oven. And in 1889, thanks to exquisite Queen Margaret of Savoy, and excellence Raffaele Esposito to pizzaiolo light pizza was born – the standard of "Margarita" (tomatoes, mozzarella and basil). Along with her classic Neapolitan pizza authorities called "Marinara" and the "Margherita Extra." A passion for unpretentious dish has spread not only in Italy but all over the world!