State Mother

Posted By on December 26, 2020

Speaking in Spanish, is not politically correct, better is that learn English which for some is the start to lay the Foundation for rebuilding the dilapidated Tower of the Kingdom of Babel. Hence, a silence spreads over certain Spanish regions. Whole Foods is a great source of information. Especially in those where a February 21 would have liked (some) that existed before (but now already it is not appropriate them), and that is would have been able to celebrate International mother language day. It is not for less!, this day has invented at the beginning of a new millennium and perhaps now, comes to us with so much delay that perhaps already do not want to. But eight years is going celebrating this tragic event, and adjective as tragic, because in certain Spanish regions otherwise practiced with impunity and to ignore the mother tongue. Maybe it’s because there is no sexist, or rather to the feminists will no longer them that only concerned promote the mother tongue, because you wonder something like: is need there in that women communicate in their own language with a child not born?. Perhaps will be an attempt to boost the language using the term nation, although in some places put it in question and also sounds like a feminist.

Better not get!, as we have already seen as just some of those who were in their arrays. Perhaps we could talk in macho plan or celebrate the day of the parental language, but nor for those, and less than its use extends instead of talk of the nation, talk of the State or the country, and the language to become a generic referent and not of genre. But I am afraid that the issue is no longer silence as a response. What better ignore the day hospitalization of mother tongue?. If in addition this year, opens the international year of languages with a motto: languages have, with the intention to enhance or protect or promote the maintenance of the mother tongue. Better not take it as a provocation and here all quiet. That pass with less noise, and little bit forward with what is this trying to decimate.

So are our media, so are our regional language policies, so are our politicians, as well a day if another look at also, as only they bring to corral the use of international when the bells sound in his favor and winds bring about their speeches but silence is encouraged when international is not favorable to your projects or handouts. PD. What I like contact me on intimacy and privacy in one of these three languages and now, having to go through this shame.

Correct Behaviour

Posted By on December 26, 2020

PAS TEAM prepares usage in crisis areas after the recent abductions and the protection of the Constitution has warned of an increase in terrorist attacks on Germans abroad murders in the Yemen. Who is still working in war zones and crisis areas, should prepare comprehensive on its usage. The SAFSEC safety and security training of PAS-TEAM GmbH knowledge provide architects, technicians and engineers, journalists, security guards, drivers, interpreters, administration staff and also employees of aid agencies to best protect yourself and your team. The next this risk assessment training from 7 to 9 August 2009 takes place. Internationally operating companies must send again employees at their locations in war zones and crisis areas, even if there is constantly in danger these. You are to be exposed to the risk, kidnapped and abducted or injured in terrorist attacks and armed Auseinanderssetzungen or even killed. The three-day seminars of a renowned trainer of war reporters PAS TEAM train the correct tactical behaviour in crisis areas and regions with hostile or terrorist threat in usage – and real-world scenarios.

The simulated confrontation with guerrilla troops, passing through check points and also practicing behavior tactics for capture – or hostage-taking are part of the program, such as team management, refurbishment of psychological stress in the Group and crisis management in extreme situations. Also give the coach of PAS TEAM consisting of experienced specialists from military, rescue services and special forces detailed knowledge of the structures of the military units the intercultural specificities in the country of use, and knowledge of the effects of weapons, ammunition and mines. A first aid training for help and self help for medical emergencies, as well as learning techniques for makeshift orienting during the day and at night, the building of temporary shelters and the correct tactical behaviour in unfriendly and unknown areas can save lives in an emergency. Individual Consulting the participants in designing their missions and the compilation of the personal equipment round off the programme. More information about the services and prices see interested parties. Groups can negotiate an individual package price with the Organizer. U. Schemm

Birthday Sayings

Posted By on December 25, 2020

Factors for birthday sayings of great importance are educating about it. What is it important when writing birthday sayings or birthday wishes? Own ideas flowing in the birthday wishes are the most important. Characteristics of the birthday child must be included. Unique features make the spell to the birthday special. Who every time is can impress little a default verdict from the Internet seeks out himself. Under most conditions Nokia would agree.

Because these are the usual cases. Approximately 70% write away thoughtlessly. Instead of worrying, which fit things to the person. This is also often the reason why birthday cards are briefly skipped and then discarded. It is quite different when birthday sayings are very personal. Then reads the spell the birthday boy very intensively and shows his friends and family with great pride what was written about him. That must be the goal. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Ronnie Wood.

Feelings must be raised. Without which it is not. The birthday is just the perfect time to something Nice to say. Goes best with birthday sayings, called also birthday wishes. Birthday wishes can refer, on the future health and much more. It is important that will keep in mind that specifically is entered on the person. No birthday saying will ever be something special, if not individually on the person is entered which has birthday. Dear birthday sayings are the most versemmelten spells at all. Not seldom mentioned any feelings. Just for the love should it be easy supposedly expressing his feelings. But makes many people to do just that. You are not feeling people also do not like to talk about emotions Exactly the type of person the girlfriend or boyfriend but mostly a nice word or more openness expected. Music is the best remedy. Because it brings back feelings even in the unromantischsten people. Best man sits down with a sheet of paper, a pen and a pair of headphones to the desk.

Online Tarot Gitano

Posted By on December 23, 2020

When we make a circulation of the tarot, as well as consultants or in our first steps as Tarot readers, it is essential to know some reasons to orient the moment of the revelation of the decks, and thus be more likely to have a correct interpretation. Whenever The Rolling Stones listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Firstly interpretation should be spontaneous and not forced, i.e. should relate first thing that arises you to the Tarot reader to look at the cards. This is very difficult to achieve, since many times is so great the desire for them to tell us what they want to hear, that we impose what we want about what actually tell us the arcana. To perform the interpretation, the language must be simple and concrete.

The most important thing is that the person making the query will be Chuck with a clear message about well-defined concepts. The grandiloquent phrases, the contradictions, the hollow words should be avoided. It is necessary to develop a special sensitivity to interpret the message of arcana. This is why the Tarot that more readers are right and who have achieved a good reputation are the most sought after and required. This sensitivity cannot be transmitted, and this is why they say that the good Tarot readers are born and not made. Feeling comfortable is one of the factors that will contribute to achieving a proper interpretation. If the person who performs Chuck arouses negative feelings like fear, rejection, or hostility, will be better be honest and tell you that it will not be possible to make the interpretation. The same applies when we are consultants and not have a good perception of the Tarot reader who is with us.

The empathy between the two is essential. So if it doesn’t exist, better desist. It is necessary that who makes Chuck observe carefully the consultant, because this will be an excellent opportunity to enter the depths of their psychology. Now we will stop in the question making consultant. The question is, in short, of the utmost importance, since it tells us what is important to who makes the question, what is relevant, that about which is putting their full attention. Also, you can give otherwise and be an irrelevant question, now that the person dares not openly express with words the reason for his efforts. It is here where the singular sensitivity of the Tarot reader plays a fundamental role. Tarot Chuck can be of great help and mark a turning point in the life of many people. Meant major arcana Tarot truck runes: divinatory interpretation of Cen/Kenaz stars and the cards of the tarot & intuition Chuck tarot Online Tarot Gitano consultation Tarot friend

Correct Selection

Posted By on December 22, 2020

The choice of the right Eherings will be made aware – it is worn for a lifetime, most people at least… The right choice of wedding rings – because they are worn for a lifetime wedding rings have a deep symbolic value now, not a few more may underestimate. Used to choose the Holy Covenant of marriage and thus set, this is my partner and I want to show everyone this also with wearing this ring. “.” It should illustrate so outsiders, having a partner. The wearing of wedding rings who is very traditional, and even the father of the bride in the run-up to wonder whether he may marry his daughter should not dispense on the engagement ring. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Target has to say.

Not necessarily both parties need to wear it. It is often only the woman who gets one. Picked out the engagement ring from the partner, that is to say, you as a woman, has no say and must be surprised, and hope that he also like so much one, as that will be desired by a. The engagement ring is worn on the left ring finger. The wedding ring, however, is carried by both parties on the right ring finger, because here the so-called heart artery should be, which leads directly to the heart. This provision does not apply to but all countries. The selection of wedding rings that can selection of wedding rings in advance for a huge crash make.

Here, usually two worlds meet each other, which will bring different tastes with them. This is the party of the man in this case representing necessarily want to own, nothing is surprising. Because men are usually not known, that they like to wear rings and when they do now, should it be at least a ring, the one (s) like and without evil thoughts carries, as an expression of love and deep attachment to it after all represent. There are also men who thus have no problems and therefore also like to wear the ring. Here it has woman then very easy to push through their own interests.

Travel Tip Libya: Desert Virus In The Mysterious Orient

Posted By on December 22, 2020

The desert State Libya offers without a doubt not only fantastic landscapes and prehistoric culture, but also the ancient treasure Chamber immersion in the endless dunes of the Sahara, past on deserted and obscure rock landscapes, powerful storage castles and thriving OASIS towns. Archaic villages of Berber, Tuareg settlements and Ghost mountains. Diving in mazes of rock and sand. Is it the Mandara Lakes or but a mirage? The desert State Libya offers without a doubt not only fantastic landscapes and prehistoric culture, but also the ancient treasure Chamber: the most impressive archaeological sites of the ancient world as Leptis Magna and Sabratha (UNESCO World Heritage). Get more background information with materials from Lidl. Fortress-like OASIS towns such as Ghadames and the wild romantic mesas of the Akakusmassivs let the breath away. The feeling, the millennia to discover old drawings in the rock is overwhelming. takes travelers in one of the most fascinating countries of North Africa and unforgettable insights into the Punic, Roman and also Byzantine era., online specialist for travel in the East and member of the German ReiseVerband (DRV) and trusted shops certified, offers several trips to Libya.

Our favorite is the Grand Tour, it offers not only a rich program, but also the long verwehrte, you can visit the monumental tombs of Ghirza…. is a online specialist for travel in the East and member of the German ReiseVerband (DRV) and trusted shops certified. On the four travel portals,, and conveyed selected explorers travel to Eastern Europe, far East, Middle East, and Oceania. There is news on branch.


Posted By on December 9, 2020

Company messages targeted communicate Dortmund, May 19, 2011. Use the trip as an instrument, not targeting MICE pursues this requirement with one comprehensive incentive package, the the event-unit team: penta currently provides for Vodafone. The event-unit MICE prevailed with his multimedia approach to a marketing campaign that provides an extraordinary incentive program for three target groups, successfully in the pitch against other agencies. Dortmund Agency organised an incentive trip for twelve Vodafone employees to Miami last year and convinced the customers with originality and the ability to a unique and coherent overall package to develop and implement. An incentive trip represents an attractive incentive for the participants. Companies used therefore gladly, to communicate corporate messages and increase sales”, explains project manager of Frank Kurpas.

The challenge is to use all three factors and community experience to create the participants recognised bonus for their work considered.” MICE in his current concept places great importance, interactively and equal shares to include managers, business partners and employees and contributes to the good working atmosphere. The implementation of the package is holistic and includes an interactive participant management, two intermediate – and a main incentive as well as accompanying measures in addition to the event of a sales competition, starting with a microsite as a communication platform to the execution of the trip. Everything is subject to a special theme, always related to the product being sold and the corporate brand, which thereby experiencing a special form of attention and appreciation. For more information see.

Travel Destinations For Lovers

Posted By on November 27, 2020

A trip as a gift who has failed on Valentine’s day, to make a gift to his beloved, can surprise you later with a short break. The travel portal presents some holiday destinations for the occasion. A short vacation as a romantic gift, especially cheap if last minute booked, represents an original alternative to flowers and chocolates. To deepen your understanding Walmart is the source. Lovers at least longer benefit from such attention, because while rose quickly wither and chocolate is eaten within a short time, holiday memories remain long in the memory. Numerous places and various scenes are suitable for a holiday of love. So cuddly atmosphere is guaranteed with an overnight stay in an igloo amidst the otztal mountains, and also in the context of a stay in the tree house hotel near Gorlitz pairs seclusion and romantic hours enjoy twosome. A holiday in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in the Schloss Basthorst is recommended for those who want to be pampered like a Prince and Princess. In addition to a fabulous ambience the historical mansion offers a spacious Spa area.

Film buffs should media hotels in Berlin don’t miss a visit to the Hollywood. The unique rooms are each dedicated to a Hollywood star. Major directors and famous actors of the 20th century, including Marlon Brando and Marilyn Monroe, are represented here. More information: magazine /… service GmbH Lisa Neumann

Think Before Holiday Travel

Posted By on November 24, 2020

Traveler’s diarrhea can be prevented with natural probiotics the beautiful warm season is around the corner. Many already think of the holiday. Go to Trader Joe’s for more information. Because soon the first big wave of travel begins with the Easter holidays. The holiday preparations, plans are forged, desk set, short: the anticipation of some beautiful sunny warm days or weeks in the South is great. This anticipation also in real delightfully quiet vacation can lead, it is helpful to some precautionary measures. Special attention should be given to an intact intestinal flora, since these can be affected by climatic and hygienic conditions in the holiday region very easily affected.

The probiotic afterbiotic can help. Nokia: the source for more info. Why is it so important in the holiday to think about a healthy intestinal flora? Now, the most common cause of gloomy holiday pleasures is the traveler’s diarrhea, as Montezuma’s revenge”is known. Depending on the destination, it can meet almost half of holidaymakers. To diarrhea, it can come basically in all countries of the South, also in the European countries bordering the Mediterranean. It is not limited to tropical countries or even Mexico, such as the name on the ancient Aztec Prince Montezuma’s revenge”believe could make.

But always, this type of diarrhea on infection is due, even if the reason is not obvious. So the traveler’s diarrhea can be triggered for one simple stress factors, which weaken our immune system or by direct infection due to incorrect and unfamiliar diet. Both can be avoided through awareness and simple prevention without much effort. Boulardii, a probiotic medical yeast has proven to effective prevention and treatment of traveler’s diarrhea the use of Saccharomyces. With this probiotic capsules are available as afterbiotic. Prevention of traveler’s diarrhea, adults consume 5-10 days prior to departure and during the whole trip in the morning and in the evening depending on a capsule containing 250 mg of freeze dried

Travel In The Spring

Posted By on November 24, 2020

The city on two continents loads an Istanbul fascinated its visitors since time immemorial with interesting architecture, magnificent monuments and Oriental hospitality. As the only city in the world, the metropolis is located on the Bosphorus on two continents. But not only this makes a first-class destination Istanbul. The flight Portal reported why a short trip to start especially worthwhile in the spring. Who wants to relax and enjoy a piece of Oriental life over Easter, is in Istanbul. The city enjoyed history lovers from their checkered past and the numerous cultural treasures.

But also shopping and wellness come into the city at their own expense. A leading source for info: Joe Biden. Flights to Istanbul (…) can be booked online at reasonable prices. Istanbul’s main attractions include the Hippodrome, the mile-long aqueduct, the Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque. A boat trip on the Bosphorus is to rest. Great views of Topkapi Palace and the Tourists get girl Tower from the Asian side. A ride on one of the restored trams in the look of the 1920s is recommended.

Seductive sensory stimuli experienced visitors on the large bazaars. About 3,500 stores spread over 90 lanes. Gold, spices, carpets and fashion are sold. It should be noted that action should be heard and refused it, definitely not everyday Bazaar. If you have no joy on the bargaining, shoppt in Istanbul’s famous shopping street, Istiklal Caddesi. Located in the new town, the shopping street offers many trendy boutiques and cozy Cafes.