Missiology 55
Continuation of the kinds of missiology then the Church audio recordings as long as you live in the history of walking on the same path, says the Lumen Gentiu # 8: that was the path that Jesus walked the path of simplicity and poverty, then poverty and persecution, suffering through performed its mission. We are not going to carry out our mission in praise and glory. Perhaps check out Amazon for more information. Look there are many who yearn to be happy. The believer in the style of Jesus, Mary ethyl. The Marian profile believer aspires to be faithful. Happiness leaves parentheses.
It is more important to you to be faithful to you happy, if you just want to be happy, even can you run the risk of not being faithful. When suffering be faithful brings with it. If you are looking for above all, be faithful, you’ll be happy. Although suffering reaches you. That’s why we try to be files, expire the suffering. How they help there is less suffering? Those who only think about being happy, as they have dread to suffering, when happiness requires them suffering, easily betray. Any model that does not reflect the qualities of a church in the style of Mary, with poor face, missionary and Paschal so called Medellin Church in 1968 said anything so beautiful, and at the same time demanding. And Puebla also, says one of the most beautiful things, who have written the hierarchy of the Church.
And most of these documents, have been becoming increasingly more doctrinal and less experiential. This was enormously experiential and less doctrinal. And in Medellin, the bishops said: we want a church in Latin America, poor missionary and Paschal meaning with people face, very open, to where it is not known yet Christ and joyful take with faith. Any model that does not reflect these qualities, must be questioned, and not promoted by pastoral agents.