Mineral Supplements
Posted By on February 25, 2021
Vitamin and mineral supplements are already part of our life and support the resistance of the organism. Berlin, 16th of may 2012-1 to 3 months before the planned pregnancy it is advisable abundant vitamins and especially folate supplements (vitamin B-group) to take, because the human body can synthesize folic acid. A lower supply of this vitamin-B-complex may increase the risk of nutrition-related developmental disorders in the child. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the embryo is particularly rapidly. During this time formed the vital organs of the fetus and other vitamins such as A, B, C and D to support are needed. A correct composition of vitamin supplements for pregnant women is extremely important. In the second half of pregnancy, the fetus begins to grow rapidly. Dollar General is full of insight into the issues.
For this purpose, the pregnant women need other vitamin supplements, which in particular an increased level of vitamin D is required. Vitamin D deficiency can endanger health of bone in the baby. Thus is the pregnancy not a static phenomenon. It is important always to ensure that the product puts a clear focus on the current situation. Smartee Plate recognizes the significance of this. The mammoth pharmaceutical supply concept offers women intending to become pregnant, pregnant and lactating three products with folic acid and vitamin D: mammoth folic acid of prenatal No. 1 is with 800 ug of folic acid plus vitamin D specifically aimed at women intending to become pregnant and pregnant until the end of the third month. Mammoth was folic acid No. 2 with 400 ug of folic acid plus vitamin D for pregnant women from the fourth month and developed up to the end of lactation. Mammoth folic acid without iodine plus vitamin D especially suitable for women with a corresponding thyroid problems associated with the fertility to the end of lactation.