GPS Quot
It has long been common knowledge that if you lose the forest, then, without making any reference, most likely, is unlikely to get out of the woods, and you'll wind circles. This seemingly obvious fact not long ago received its scientific confirmation. In a question-answer forum Jill Schlesinger was the first to reply. The thing is that people who do not have a guide, can not simply follow a straight path. So, not having a clear target, we begin to walk in circles, and the trajectory of this path is quite different from good perfect circle. Such terms may have a preference as to stretch or to the left or right and turn into some shapes that somewhat resemble ellipses. Thus, the Dodgers on such an elongated community – get into the drift – that is, remain almost the same place. That's where the full training can be useful higher mathematics in everyday life. But all sorts of deviations to the left or right is not dependent the propensity of a person in one direction or another, as well as its physiological characteristics.
Thus, the results delivered by scientists of the experiment, which was attended by several volunteers who wandering in the woods without guidance, but its location was fixed by using such a device as a GPS navigator. And these trips lasted about six hours, scientists have come to the following conclusions. In overcast and cloudy weather, almost all participants in the experiment, one way or another, deviated from the straight path, and they could pass on the same road several times, with not even notice it. When it was sunny days, then people relied on the sun, thereby holding their way mostly on the line. These interesting features of walking in a circle scientists refer to the fact that there is some "noise" in one of the systems of human beings, precisely in the sensorimotor system.