Of this ‘ ‘ principle of comportamento’ ‘ that the Church calls ‘ ‘ rule of ouro’ ‘ we go to leave to speak of the sin and the restitution of the stolen one. This because 11 is Liturgia of this Sunday of the Common Time of the year ‘ ‘ C’ ‘ that in them it considers this probabilidadede to reflect on our miseries and fragility, the sin. For we tantodevemos to know what it is the sin and as if it must restitute or return what seroubou. Opecado is all and any trespass of the law of God. It can be entendidocomo ‘ ‘ the removal of God and the conversion to criaturas’ ‘. Asi is a committed lack exactly, to the others and the God. Nosegundo Book of Samuel, is clearly the relation between sin and restitution, pois’ ‘ Davi said the Cream: ‘ I sinned against Mr.
‘. Cream answered to it: ‘ Of suaparte, pecado’ pardoned you yours; (2Sm 12,13), but ‘ ‘ the son who you nasceumorrer’ ‘ (they idem), that is, restitution will be made by the death of its son. OSalmo 31 says: ‘ ‘ I confessed, after all, my sin and I pardoned, Gentleman, minhafalta’ ‘. It is a committed sin itself exactly: ‘ ‘ mine pecado’ ‘. for was sorteperdoado: ‘ ‘ you pardoned, Gentleman, mine falta’ ‘. ‘ ‘ Fortunately ‘ ‘ , because nor always quese confesses if it receives the absolution from the sins as They are Joo says in them: ‘ ‘ aquelesa who to pardon the sins to them will be pardoned; those to quaisretiverdes will be to them retidos’ ‘ (Jo 20,23). Saint Augustin, therefore, says que’ ‘ the sin without restituting roubado’ is not pardoned; ‘.