Posted By on November 21, 2013

It searchs and it has agreement of the truth, for its proper well and success. It does not insist more on the error. ' ' Then the Samuel said you: Until when you will have d of Saul, having it rejected I, so that he does not reign on Israel? He fulls an oil horn, and comes, I will send you it Jess the belemita; because amongst its children I have provided myself with one rei.' ' 1 Samuel 16:1 Very calls me the attention history the prophet Samuel, since before its birth until the events that had been occurring throughout its life. The mother of it, Ana, already was humiliated and if she saddened until not being able more, therefore she was barren, whereas to another wife was supplied of a great offspring of children. ' ' made a vote, saying: GENTLEMAN of the Armies! If benignly to attempt against for the affliction of your servant, and me to remember, and your servant not to forget itself, but to your servant to give to a son man, I will every day give it to the Mr. of its life, and on its head he will not pass navalha.' ' 1 Samuel 1:11 the courage of this woman front to the difficulty it is that already in the awaken o example of the woman of God: it did not give up to have a son, clamou the God and made the vote of delivers it you to it so that it was prophet. Exactly inside of the House of God, Eli, then the priest, found that it was drunk, therefore only prayed moving the mouth, without emitting sound some, but this did not modify the faith of it in God and until it received the blessing from the leader of that sanctuary. ' ' Then Eli answered: It goes in peace; the God of Israel grants the petition to you that it fizeste.' ' 1 Samuel 1:17 Ana, after this sincere outcry and after afflictions caused for the sterility, quickly got the reply Mr., therefore he engravidou and he had Samuel.

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