
Posted By on April 27, 2021

A symbol is an external, visible and tangible sign of an inner spiritual reality the signs and symbols we are as necessary as the air we breathe while we we journey by taking the opportunity of life which has been granted to us, and we interrelacionamos with other pedestrians that pass through this planet Earth in different countries that integrate it, we must know that we are always identified and making use of signs and signals in all aspects that provide us with information and we must take them into account; Since then, there are signs that must be respected even within what is legal to avoid us penalties, bad time, punishment, as well as to signs, signs that the man has given life through time, from generation to generation according to their beliefs, but especially anything interrelated with faith, beliefs, religious practices, allowing you to somehow identify with the religious group, ideology with which we are identified. Jose Miguel Odero gives us in this regard, which is called symbol to something material, sensitive and perceptible, thanks to some social Convention leads us to represent another distinct reality all religions, ritual spiritual, rely on signs and signals, according to as its members have them defined and accepted, each of them when they were created, designed, accumulated many teachings, identifications and interpretations, which are only covered with those who are identified with them. Humberto Cardenas Rodriguez gives us about it, that the signs are the physical elements capable of representing an object, idea, or concept other than itself, that dark clouds are sign of rain, or a grimace is a sign of pain. The symbols are elements created artificially with the same function. Thus, transit, a figure in a gate signal, are symbols, since their relationship with what they indicate is more or less arbitrarily determined. The signs can be understood by human beings and animals; the symbols do not.The symbols, Although they faithfully express the idea that want to express, they are not that idea, they are the way, the skin that covers the idea, the spirit of the thing represented.

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