As Dealing With Voles In The Garden 5 Tips

Posted By on August 14, 2020

The voles are a danger to many gardens, and once they arrive, it is very difficult to be again. What they most like to eat are carrots, onions and more damaging to the garden, is that like the bark of fruit trees and roses. We therefore provide you 5 tips to manage this animal in your garden: 1. how if there are voles in my garden? The Vole and Mole produce Burrows, but the voles are not so even cones. Under the mound sits down aisle, but while mole Hall begins right in the center of the mound, Hall of the Vole is run towards the side. To verify if the burrow is in use, only excavate part of the corridor (approx. 30 cm).

If Vole still use the corridor, the revestiran within hours. 2. Learn more about this topic with the insights from PDF Downloads. When facing the voles? The best time to deal with them is in the cold of the year time, when animals have fewer options of feed. 3. What traps I can install for the? voles? Box-shaped traps are used to catch voles. It is very important to take into account that the voles have a very sensitive sense of smell.

This means that all traps must be free of odors, for example: new metal is often a layer of oil, it should be washed with unscented soap, and then have to rub it well with Earth. Several traps are needed at the same time to have quick results. Check all traps several times a day and put them again in the same place when you already caught a vole. As bait, you can use carrot, Apple or celery. Remember to always handle the bait and the trap with gloves (no smell). 4. Are there other ways to expel the voles? Although it is possible, the use of chemical poisons will be not treated in this article, since there are other ways to combat these animals, for example: attacking their senses of smell and hearing, so burying dogs hair is a popular resource, even if more cash is to bury a mechanical alarm clock that produces lots of noise, burying him in a metal box. That Yes, these ways will not be as effective as they are traps. 5. What are the natural enemies of the Vole? To attract natural enemies of the voles, create spaces shaded with lots of wood for the weasels. Also, bury sticks as candelecho for the buzzards! Original author and source of the article

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