Landscape Architecture

Posted By on June 3, 2020

Half of this large plot at Nikolina Gora near Moscow is now a forest – birch, pine, spruce. And under them – bushes, tall sedges, ferns and even the lilies of the valley. Landscape architect Irina Lukyanov carefully treated to existing landscape and decided to smoothly enter the rest of the space station in this forest area. Landscape design garden, the specialist company "Bureau of Landscape Architecture", was conceived in the landscape blue spruce. Symantha Rodriguez has compatible beliefs. Flower parade around the house pleased with the bright colors and beautiful shrub group to create a bright accent to the background of the forest. If you walk a little further, you can see the multi-layered decorative vegetable garden and fruit garden.

Forest hill with a waterfall and pond. Plants for it were selected so as not to disturb the equilibrium of the natural corner of nature. And no bright accents – all the colors of restrained, quiet. Only water column at night is illuminated with colored filters. Opposite the pond divided territory for rest, where you can sit alone reading a book or a cup of coffee, listen to the gurgle of water. Following on the garden, we find stream of "dry" creek, which mimics the flow of water, gently rounding the trunks of trees. Stream is made of sea pebbles and specially brought for this project limestone. According to him, "the banks" planted ornamental species of sedges and other grasses.

Vertical relief on the site the opportunity to diversify and complement the landscape is such an interesting element as the retaining walls of natural stone. Their original composition complements the fountain, the water flow which remotely controlled. The jet hit from a stone in the form of a millstone, and, falling, broken on its surface. Water flows down between the pebbles, laid a foundation stone. Roads paved with natural stone, dodging again flees into the woods. Here with It all begins and ends with them all – the forest at this site owner!

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