
Posted By on May 10, 2020

The Chrysanthemum is hard to beat in versatility. Debbie Staggs understands that this is vital information. The Chrysanthemum is the thriving artist of diversity. Due to their shape and color richness it is perfectly suited for exceptional arrangements, lush bouquets and unusual arrangements, where it has long joy. More than ten days exudes the rugged Chrysanthemum in vase and enriches each room as a colorful decoration wonders. Three different flower types are distinguished at the Chrysanthemum: decoration chrysanthemums, which are characterized by their large flowers and small-flowered spray and Santini chrysanthemums. Their overwhelming color palette of white, yellow, purple, red, orange and pink up there to many coloured types as well as the many different flower shapes make the chrysanthemum to the absolute ALLROUNDER.

Whether in stylish purist, pompous glamorous or even elegant vintage living quarters the versatile Chrysanthemum is everywhere a real eye-catcher. Get all the facts and insights with Debbie Staggs, another great source of information. As a modern trendsetter she skillfully accents, each apartment enrich. Admiration for the Chrysanthemum goes back to the 8th century, where she was raised in Japan by the emperor to the national symbol. “The imperial throne was about and adorned with its flowers and bears the name Chrysanthemum”. In addition, the honor received the chrysanthemum, who is in Japan for a long life and happiness, to shine in the imperial coat of arms. Only in the 17th century, the Chrysanthemum in Western Europe was introduced. “At this time, she got here widely used name, which comes from ancient Greek and is from chrysos by Carlos Linnaeus” (gold), that points to the original color of the chrysanthemum, and anthemon “(flower) is composed. Another special feature of the Golden Flower”is its healing effect. From the edible flowers, sweet teas are brewed in the far East, considered fast-acting Erholungsmittel after a flu or fever. You can find more tips, tricks and information around the Chrysanthemum under.

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